Arena QOL suggestion

First off let me say I can't stand doing arena, but I am forcing myself to try and get milestones for the extra units and gold. But I would love to see an option added like the Quick Fill button for auto-filling in Champs. I would love to see a Quick Boost button where the game would automatically throw on Arena Point Boosts to the appropriate champ, based on whatever is in your inventory and overflow. I know you can select each champ and pick a boost, but 1 button to add boosts to all 3 champs would take away from the repetitive clicking and wasted time. I am not sure if this is feasible but I would take away some of my pain doing arena. Hope to see this as an update in the game down the road!
After the final farm nerf, I have energy just expiring and expiring for nothing.
Even if you could autofight... you would lose and never get a streak
Say hi to Clobbering I hear you guys are in the same cellblock.
. Nope, and I saw your initial reply was only 1 minute after OP posted this request.
Maybe you skimmed it too quickly at first.
They said *LIKE* how the Quick-Fill button already exists to automatically select next champs with a single click. They know that part already exists.
They want to *ADD* another ability, to AUTO APPLY POINT BOOSTS that you have in inventory (all the ones you get from Solo Crystals, etc)