Mystique: How Her Abilities Should Look Like



  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,402 Guardian

    The SP2 needs some kind of built-in limit, since it's currently: SP2 stuns the opponent long enough to charge Heavy, gaining Fury + another two bars of power, so stun the opponent again, charge heavy, throw SP2 again... Basically, get to SP2 and unless the opponent is immune to stun, you win the match. That doesn't really work.

    Yeah, that doesn't work, but I was wondering if there was a way to fix it, like maybe have shape shift charges only pause when charging heavy or using basic attacks. That would mean the shape shift charge timer would be running during special attack animations, and thus it would be impossible to spam SP2 indefinitely. At less than 20 charges you could chain two SP2s together, at 20 you might get away with a couple more depending on SP2 animation run time.

    I'm still trying to figure out if that mechanic is interesting or broken.
  • RookiieRookiie Member Posts: 4,821 ★★★★★
    edited March 2024
    Wow @DNA3000 ’s response was quite close to mine. I’ll just paste my follow up suggestion here instead of DM’s so we can all bounce our ideas off of each other.
  • RookiieRookiie Member Posts: 4,821 ★★★★★
    Mystique is a shapeshifter, can rewrite her genes, has accelerated healing, is a marksman and skilled hand-to-hand combatant. Here’s what I’m angling for:

    Defensive mechanics lean into her shapeshift abilities:
    1) Fortified skin providing Bleed, Poison and Crit resistance.
    2) Thorns dealing direct damage.
    3) Claws dealing Rupture.

    Offensive mechanics lean into her combat abilities:
    1) Root.
    2) Prowess.
    3) Reduction in Purify ability accuracy.

    Sig would enhance the defensive / shapeshift abilities.

    I would use this as a base and build it out.
  • BringPopcornBringPopcorn Member Posts: 7,024 ★★★★★
    TLDR: like every other champion in the game; but literally like every other champion in the game
  • Archit_1812Archit_1812 Member Posts: 623 ★★★
    Passive: Mystique shapeshifts out of her wounds and reduces the duration and damage of all Bleed effects by 70%. Poisons of the Battlerealm barely affect her polymorphing skin, and she gains 90% Poison Resistance.
    Hit of Agility: Mystique's mastery of shapeshifting grants her a 100% chance to evade incoming basic attacks, if blocking(Like Elsa or Mordo). This evade chance has a 5 second cooldown and it’s ability accuracy cannot be decreased by Coldsnap. (Good point for BGs defence IMO)
    Sword Attacks: Mystique’s medium, first light and heavy hits are sword attacks. For each sword attack launched against her opponent, Mystique has an 80% chance to inflict a (low damaging) Bleed Debuff for 6 seconds on her opponent.
    Shapeshift Charges (Passive): Mystique gains Shapeshift charges for each of the following:
    Landing a light attack: 80% chance to gain 1 charge
    Landing a medium attack: 60% chance to gain 2 charges for every successful hit
    Landing special 1: 100% chance to gain 4 charges on her first successful hit
    As a defender, Mystique gains 1 Shapeshift Charge every second, removing 3 stacks every 10 hits in the opponent’s combo meter.

    Morph Overload: If at max Shapeshift Charges and Mystique gains another charge, she starts a 10 second Morph Overload timer, paused during her opponent’s special attacks. Once this timer expires, all her charges revert to 0. However, she can continue to gain charges during the duration of this timer. If she launches a special attack while Morph Overload is active, she converts all active Shapeshift charges into +10% Prowess Passives. These Prowess Passives fall off when charges revert to 0.
    Fluid Combat (Special 1): Mystique launches a flurry of strikes with her twin scimitars, wounding her opponent and inflicting a Bleed debuff, inflicting (high damaging) over 10 seconds. For each Special 1 launched previously, either by Mystique or her opponent, increase the damage of this special attack by 20%, with a maximum of +150%. (For about 2 SP1s in short fight and baiting 2, that’s 80%. Pretty decent. For long fights, +150% special attack damage is not bad)
    Adaptive Evasion (Special 2): Mystique shifts her form rapidly and delivers a powerful finishing blow, Passively Rooting the opponent passively for 1.5 seconds.
    Wrath of the Raven (Special 3): Increases max shapeshift charges by 5 indefinitely. Can be done 2 times per fight. If Morph Overload is active while launching this attack, decrease number of Shapeshift charges active by 10 and deactivate the timer.
    Heavy Attack: If Morph Overload is active, the final hit of Mystique’s heavy attack removes all Bleed debuffs on her opponent and delivers a massive Rupture burst, scaling with the number of Bleeds on her opponent. If Morph Overload is not active, consume 5 Shapeshift Charges and pause all Bleeds for 5 seconds instead. (Note: Consuming Shapeshift will make sure Morph doesn’t activate until SP2. I’ve run some simulations on Python and I feel 5 charges is just enough to keep the player on his/her toes to ensure all the building does not go to waste.)
    (My thought: if a +200% special does not KO the opponent, the Rupture will. This way, she’ll work well for champs like Thing, who get that annoying protection when you launch a special. Also, in case of Rupture immune champs like Scorpion, that SP2 deals a huge amount of damage)
    Blessing of the Hand (Signature Ability):
    Mystique gains abilities for a certain amount of charges on her:
    5 charges: Defensive power gain is reduced by on sword attacks.
    10 charges: Reduces damage of all contact physical attacks by . Not applicable against Tech and #Size:XL champions.
    15 charges: While above 15 charges, she gains a Glancing Passive that and reflect of all incoming damage on the opponent.
    (She’ll be so much better as a war defender with high sigs, and she’ll work like a charm on attack)

    For every Bleed Debuff Purified by a Skill Champion, Mystique deals a burst of Rupture damage equivalent to of the health that would have been lost during the duration of that Bleed.
    Recommended Rotation (Short fights):
    1. Use MLM combo to build charges and bleeds till under 2 bars of power.
    2. Throw SP1 to get a high damaging Bleed
    3. Continue until you have reached 20 charges.
    4. Use Parry-heavy or MM combo to build to SP2.
    5. Activate Morph Overload and launch SP2.
    6. Launch heavy attack just before Morph Overload ends to deal a massive burst of damage.
    Recommended Rotation (Long fights):
    1. Use basic attacks to build power and bleeds
    2. Build to SP3, using heavies to pause Bleeds.
    3. Use SP3.
    4. Repeat twice
    5. Use Parry-heavy or MM combo to build to SP2.
    6. Activate Morph Overload and launch SP2.
    7. Launch heavy attack just before Morph Overload ends to deal a massive burst of damage.

    ALRIGHT PEOPLE, this one was a doozy changing to. HOPING for a positive feedback. @DNA3000, @Rookiie, @BringPopcorn, @Magrailothos, @Shadowstrike
  • Archit_1812Archit_1812 Member Posts: 623 ★★★
    We need to re-start this one.
  • UltragamerUltragamer Member Posts: 602 ★★★
    Best thing is for her not to come to the game except as a trophy champ her mutant power is pretty useless for this kinda game
  • peixemacacopeixemacaco Member Posts: 4,588 ★★★★★

    We need to re-start this one.

    And about her Specials????

    At least in the Sp.3, she can morph into someone.
  • Ayden_noah1Ayden_noah1 Member Posts: 2,133 ★★★★
    I'm always confuse by summoners wanting Mystique to have abilities that don't make sense. She is a shape shifter but doesn't gain the abilities of who she is changing. If anythign she would be a Black Widow with the ability to change her appearance at will. She shouldn't have poison or bleed immnunies or resistance to any form of damage. She should fight like BWDO but instead of a baton with shock, maybe a gun. I would like to see her in game too but all these special abilities that people want her to have doesn't make sense. She is just a well trained intelligent assassin with the ability to look like other people and that's it. If you want someone to be able to shift change and have their power than MCOC should bring in Synch.ölme_(Earth-616)

  • EdisonLawEdisonLaw Member Posts: 9,639 ★★★★★

    I'm always confuse by summoners wanting Mystique to have abilities that don't make sense. She is a shape shifter but doesn't gain the abilities of who she is changing. If anythign she would be a Black Widow with the ability to change her appearance at will. She shouldn't have poison or bleed immnunies or resistance to any form of damage. She should fight like BWDO but instead of a baton with shock, maybe a gun. I would like to see her in game too but all these special abilities that people want her to have doesn't make sense. She is just a well trained intelligent assassin with the ability to look like other people and that's it. If you want someone to be able to shift change and have their power than MCOC should bring in Synch.ölme_(Earth-616)

    This. She isn’t Rogue, Protege or Amazo (from DC). She cannot copy powers to the extent they can. She can only copy their physical appearance
  • Archit_1812Archit_1812 Member Posts: 623 ★★★
    @EdisonLaw that's why V3.0. And also, she can copy abilities post resurrection by The Hand.
  • Archit_1812Archit_1812 Member Posts: 623 ★★★
    @Ayden_noah1 brother, Mystique can shift her form at will. And when she does, her skin repairs itself. So, if she Bleeds, she can shift to anything next to her and shift back to her original form and there wouldn't even be a scar. As for Poison immunity, same thing. In fact, she removed thrown acid on her skin by shape-shifting in the movies.
  • Ayden_noah1Ayden_noah1 Member Posts: 2,133 ★★★★

    @Ayden_noah1 brother, Mystique can shift her form at will. And when she does, her skin repairs itself. So, if she Bleeds, she can shift to anything next to her and shift back to her original form and there wouldn't even be a scar. As for Poison immunity, same thing. In fact, she removed thrown acid on her skin by shape-shifting in the movies.

    I haven't read comics in awhile but I dont' remember having this ability. I remember reading a comic book and when she got shot by a gun, she bleed and lost her ability to focus therefore she reverted back to her normal form. Did they gave her new abilities recently. They the movie producers gave her new abilities that she doesn't have in the comic books?
  • Archit_1812Archit_1812 Member Posts: 623 ★★★
    @Ayden_noah1 perhaps we read different realities, idk.
  • Barrier ReefBarrier Reef Member Posts: 778 ★★★
    ChatGPT ahh write up.
  • Archit_1812Archit_1812 Member Posts: 623 ★★★
    @Barrier Reef I dont use ChatGPT. All ideas are my personal thoughts.
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