I doubt he can solo doom easily, terrax will be annoying, vision I doubt is soloable, Modok will be a pain, and you might as well forget about spiderham. That's the first path. I'd recommend ranking the other champions who will make the challenge much easier for you.
I doubt he can solo doom easily, terrax will be annoying, vision I doubt is soloable, Modok will be a pain, and you might as well forget about spiderham. That's the first path. I'd recommend ranking the other champions who will make the challenge much easier for you.
Are they all useful for at least a few fights each? Taking up all those champs to rank 4 or even rank 3 is my biggest turn off for this challenge. I have a 7* IM duped hence my reason for this post but everyone else would be a 6* version
I doubt he can solo doom easily, terrax will be annoying, vision I doubt is soloable, Modok will be a pain, and you might as well forget about spiderham. That's the first path. I'd recommend ranking the other champions who will make the challenge much easier for you.
Are they all useful for at least a few fights each? Taking up all those champs to rank 4 or even rank 3 is my biggest turn off for this challenge. I have a 7* IM duped hence my reason for this post but everyone else would be a 6* version
Everyone has uses and fights they cover. The one champion I'd say you might get away with not ranking might be hawkeye. The only fight I know he is really good for is iBom due to poison immunity.
No, this content is not doable by Iron Man alone, even with infinite revives. Sasquatch will road block you because Iron Man has no way of heal blocking him or ramping his damage high enough to overwhelm the regen of that fight.
Separate from that, there are a ton of fights that could be done with infinite revives, but why would you? You have to bring all the champs anyway, and 6* r3 materials are practically free at this point for high end paragon and valiant players. I’d recommend at least ranking them to there for your own sanity. BW *needs* sig 200, Thor likes it for his damage output, Hawkeye just wants to be duped for his damage, and Antman wants to be duped for the pause on debuffs but it’s not strictly necessary.
Terrax would suck with iron man, vision would suck with iron man, ham would suck with iron man, so would korg, thing, DM, sassy, and mojo.
The whole point of the challenge is that everyone has a purpose. Thor can solo KM, Vision, Terrax, and help with other fights. You want BW for Korg, Thing, and Ham. You want AM for Mojo, DM, and Sassy. Hawkeye deals with Doom, Modok, Spider-Gwen, Ibom, and Void really well
Do you all think havinga 5* r5 ascended works instead of 6* r3? Rank up is not the prob, sig requirements for bw and thor is the problem
It's a better option than not having the 6* at max sig. I did my run with 6r3's for both Thor and BW and they did fine. You may not get the solos that you see on YT, but it's doable with an extra revive or two.
You can't armor break dragon man or killmonger for example. Also sasquatch might be a roadblock.
However for this challenge all 5 of these champs are really need, even at R3 (at least). Black Widow help a lot, even Hawkeye have his use.
Separate from that, there are a ton of fights that could be done with infinite revives, but why would you? You have to bring all the champs anyway, and 6* r3 materials are practically free at this point for high end paragon and valiant players. I’d recommend at least ranking them to there for your own sanity. BW *needs* sig 200, Thor likes it for his damage output, Hawkeye just wants to be duped for his damage, and Antman wants to be duped for the pause on debuffs but it’s not strictly necessary.
The whole point of the challenge is that everyone has a purpose. Thor can solo KM, Vision, Terrax, and help with other fights. You want BW for Korg, Thing, and Ham. You want AM for Mojo, DM, and Sassy. Hawkeye deals with Doom, Modok, Spider-Gwen, Ibom, and Void really well