Gladiator Buff

Denic_2580Denic_2580 Member Posts: 52
edited March 2024 in General Discussion
Today wee saw some buffed Gladiator gameplay on YouTube channels. What do you think about it?

Gladiator Buff 96 votes

Great. This is what I expected.
Kermit528BigTuna_2054GymRatMarcoRockyshocky21EggatronEwell65SSS69Dfour24Nicoya24MusikmenRed_Lightning02JethuaZhaPT_99Nemesis_17mrstark_217jj_jj_9 16 votes
Absolutely not what I imagined
sxlbstverliebtCrasyduckdee_jay5Nogood22Sceptilemaniac2Wasy1RuwqiersaUltragamerTitansDiscoNnectKing 10 votes
I would also like to add immunity and it will be fine
L_217travgiantMichael0527Gulfstream550Maxus7jaymania82psp742GravityKOSLORDCLUEMANATTIcheese21ThePredator1001AgenteMagnusLickyExergisDarthMysticTheFladhEdisonLawToniXD_16TNK_131 23 votes
I don't care. I won't play with them
Talha305RajaNesciorcm2017LmaoOurobørosHector_1475C19h28o2zerodudeItsClobberinTimeBatman1234CptChaos81Greed_ExodusDkcody42JefechutaNONYABIZZAshacekarI_tell_no_tales_1JJMACSilentArisAmySummers 24 votes
I haven't decided yet
BigPoppaCBONEDrZolaSIlverProfessorDUNKINDEANRagnarok13RCunhaDoom_and_GloomLiquidkoldGrootman1294Denzel116NanosamaahmynutsAzenstarHudsonmanFr4s3rPriyabratawhyme_why613579rebel_CvlrKLZ 23 votes


  • CvlrCvlr Member Posts: 224 ★★
    I haven't decided yet
    All of the improvements are logic, but he seems to miss something. Time will tell it lol.
    I'm holding my cosmic t6cc, will decide if r2 him or not lol
  • ahmynutsahmynuts Member Posts: 8,226 ★★★★★
    I haven't decided yet
    Let's wait and see. I'm very cautiously optimistic
  • 13579rebel_13579rebel_ Member Posts: 2,905 ★★★★★
    I haven't decided yet
    Haven't decided but my initial thoughts are still meh
  • PikoluPikolu Member, Guardian Posts: 8,326 Guardian
    He is definitely a lot better than before, but I need to test him out myself to see.
  • Darkness275Darkness275 Member Posts: 889 ★★★★
    edited March 2024
    It's honestly a little more than I was expecting in some areas, and a little less than I hoped for (but knew I wasn't going to get) in others.

    It looks very promising, but I really want to try him out.

    The intimidate switch to a passive is subtle but can actually be pretty huge. Intimidate times and pause increase is nice as that should help cut into AI being uncooperative. The Unstoppable not going on CD if you don't touch the opponent is really nice, because that can have strategic applications.

    I don't really like the bursts going from physical to energy. I can kind of understand what they're going for here though. I don't hate it, it's just not the direction I would have gone. (Edit: I change my mind, I didn't think about the mystic ramifications. I like this a lot more because it hampers him a little against Mystics and that's a nice touch and is actually something I've been asking for.)

    Confidence potency increase while limits being scaled down is - I believe still a net gain if my math works out properly.

    Would I have absolutely lost my mind if they introduced some sort of scaling resistance tied to confidence, or tied his Unstoppable activation to a confidence value rather than upon activation of an SP1? Yes. But that was me asking/hoping for way too much.

    I know it's still subject to change though, so I'm trying not to be too hopeful as we might see this scaled back.

    But genuinely, this is some very nice attention Kabam.

    Thank you.
  • jcphillips7jcphillips7 Member Posts: 1,496 ★★★★
    I just need a couple reasons to immediately r2 and r3 the guy without someone looking at him and being like “oh, you did Gladiator…”

    I don’t spend in this game to be ‘whelmed.’ I spend to snap necks and cash checks.
  • KeonexKeonex Member Posts: 332 ★★★

    Today wee saw some buffed Gladiator gameplay on YouTube channels. What do you think about it?

    where is the, he is still Mid option?
  • 21Eggatron21Eggatron Member Posts: 104 ★★★
    Great. This is what I expected.

    Confidence potency increase while limits being scaled down is - I believe still a net gain if my math works out properly.

    Thresholds being scaled down just means you need less than before to get the additional benefits. You hit the confidence threshold sooner and it means in your first fight/with an unduped gladiator, your Limit is not also the same amount you need for Ultra Confidence, i.e. more wiggle room. With that in mind, he actually has 1 more Confidence before his Limit, seeing as the current is 24 and now it's 25. It's not a nerf in any way, it's actually a buff in every way.

    A less wordy comparison.
    Current Gladiator:
    Limit (No Persistent Charges or Special 3) - 24
    Confidence Buffs needed for Ultra Confidence benefits - 24+
    Confidence Buffs needed for Super Confidence benefits - 12+

    Rebalanced Gladiator:
    Limit (No Persistent Charges or Special 3) - 25
    Confidence Buffs needed for Ultra Confidence benefits - 20+
    Confidence Buffs needed for Super Confidence benefits - 10+
  • ItsClobberinTimeItsClobberinTime Member Posts: 5,546 ★★★★★
    I don't care. I won't play with them
    He still looks mid honestly. They fixed the damage issue but... Most cosmics already have that so what does he really bring to the table?
  • Greed_ExodusGreed_Exodus Member Posts: 457 ★★★
    I don't care. I won't play with them

    He still looks mid honestly. They fixed the damage issue but... Most cosmics already have that so what does he really bring to the table?

    Yeah a champ like hype came out 8 years ago and has 10x more use and damage than midiator is trying to achieve lol
  • BigPoppaCBONEBigPoppaCBONE Member Posts: 2,446 ★★★★★
    I haven't decided yet
    Looks promising, but he could get tuned down still. We'll have to see once the buff is final, but unless he can nudge Hyperion, he probably won't see much use.
  • ItsClobberinTimeItsClobberinTime Member Posts: 5,546 ★★★★★
    I don't care. I won't play with them

    He still looks mid honestly. They fixed the damage issue but... Most cosmics already have that so what does he really bring to the table?

    What I mean by this is what reason could an endgame player possibly have to rank him up? Future Ant-Man? Hulkling and Vox are quicker. Maestro? Vox also handles him easily. Any auto block champ? Vox and Hulkling are still quicker.
    I just don't get it, he doesn't bring anything new to the table just more damage which is fine for a regular champ but for a Summoner's Choice winner? Nah.
  • I_tell_no_tales_1I_tell_no_tales_1 Member Posts: 1,198 ★★★★
    I don't care. I won't play with them

    He still looks mid honestly. They fixed the damage issue but... Most cosmics already have that so what does he really bring to the table?

    What I mean by this is what reason could an endgame player possibly have to rank him up? Future Ant-Man? Hulkling and Vox are quicker. Maestro? Vox also handles him easily. Any auto block champ? Vox and Hulkling are still quicker.
    I just don't get it, he doesn't bring anything new to the table just more damage which is fine for a regular champ but for a Summoner's Choice winner? Nah.
    Coldsnap and incinerate
  • BigPoppaCBONEBigPoppaCBONE Member Posts: 2,446 ★★★★★
    I haven't decided yet

    I just need a couple reasons to immediately r2 and r3 the guy without someone looking at him and being like “oh, you did Gladiator…”

    I don’t spend in this game to be ‘whelmed.’ I spend to snap necks and cash checks.

  • DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 9,463 ★★★★★
    I haven't decided yet
    Watching Vega’s video…my worry is that Glads needs a cooperative AI.

    Recent experience suggests that can be problematic.

    Dr. Zola
  • PriyabrataPriyabrata Member Posts: 1,392 ★★★★★
    edited March 2024
    I haven't decided yet
    Lets put together a list of requirements for his "UNIQUENESS" to shine:
    - Long/specific special animations
    - the special hits shouldn't ideally crit that's to say "don't go against guaranteed crits or high crit chance"
    - the special shouldn't apply DOT effects
    - the special shouldn't remove his confidence buff( this might seem intentional cause mystics have the type advantage but certain nodes can do that even without a mystic defender)


    The 80% damage reduction might seem good on paper but I have seen the gameplay and if the opponent crits they get thru a major chunk of the resistance.
    There's literally only ONE thing he does that no one else can (special counter burst) and THAT should have been the main focus of his buff, and yet it's still sloppy.
    They should have given him either indestructible or debuff immunity instead of just resistance.

    Personal opinion: I think they should just move the white tiger synergy into his base kit, it's most probably not happening but if they're doing nothing to improve his unique form of damage, they should atleast give him some great overall damage
  • PT_99PT_99 Member Posts: 5,617 ★★★★★
    Great. This is what I expected.
    But we all know Kabam will reduce the buff before he goes live 💀 they've done it quite a few times now with Sandman etc

    So till his buff goes live to public, I won't be too happy now
  • EdisonLawEdisonLaw Member Posts: 9,725 ★★★★★
    I would also like to add immunity and it will be fine
    The real question is will he still be midiator or godiator?
  • ItsClobberinTimeItsClobberinTime Member Posts: 5,546 ★★★★★
    I don't care. I won't play with them
    EdisonLaw said:

    The real question is will he still be midiator or godiator?

    Midiator, damage isn't enough to even make him top 10 but hey, he went from Trashiator to Midiator so at least that's something.
  • Denic_2580Denic_2580 Member Posts: 52
    I would also like to add immunity and it will be fine
    PT_99 said:

    But we all know Kabam will reduce the buff before he goes live 💀 they've done it quite a few times now with Sandman etc

    So till his buff goes live to public, I won't be too happy now

    It's naive, but I want to believe that Kabam will hear the players and at least leave everything as it is in the buff now. Or go ahead and add at least one sentence from those that I saw in the comments on YouTube I loved most. For example: add taunt after Sp 1 )

    @Kabam Miike I hope you will hear us)

    Good luck
  • BigPoppaCBONEBigPoppaCBONE Member Posts: 2,446 ★★★★★
    I haven't decided yet

    Lets put together a list of requirements for his "UNIQUENESS" to shine:
    - Long/specific special animations
    - the special hits shouldn't ideally crit that's to say "don't go against guaranteed crits or high crit chance"
    - the special shouldn't apply DOT effects
    - the special shouldn't remove his confidence buff( this might seem intentional cause mystics have the type advantage but certain nodes can do that even without a mystic defender)


    The 80% damage reduction might seem good on paper but I have seen the gameplay and if the opponent crits they get thru a major chunk of the resistance.
    There's literally only ONE thing he does that no one else can (special counter burst) and THAT should have been the main focus of his buff, and yet it's still sloppy.
    They should have given him either indestructible or debuff immunity instead of just resistance.

    Personal opinion: I think they should just move the white tiger synergy into his base kit, it's most probably not happening but if they're doing nothing to improve his unique form of damage, they should atleast give him some great overall damage

    I would have liked if they made no reaction super-tanking specials while counter wrecking the major part of his kit with everything geared towards that. It could have made him a good defender too if you have to be wary of throwing specials without having crushed his confidence, because he would rush into your special and kill you. Having seen more footage, I feel like he's almost there. He still needs a little something...
  • WednesdayLengthWednesdayLength Member Posts: 2,359 ★★★★

    He still looks mid honestly. They fixed the damage issue but... Most cosmics already have that so what does he really bring to the table?

    Yeah a champ like hype came out 8 years ago and has 10x more use and damage than midiator is trying to achieve lol
    Hype doesn't 100% armour control at sig 1 that includes passives. He's gonna be a monster for battlegrounds especially
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