NERF ‘EM - New OP Defender Trend

Onslaught, Bullseye & Serpent are 3 examples of the ridiculous new way that Defenders are made. To put it simply, if skill can’t prevent you from taking unavoidable damage from these defenders, then it makes absolutely no sense for them to be made this way. The unavoidable damage makes you lose rounds in BG’s no matter how well you play.
Onslaught has a new version of unblockable and a reverse control that trigger when he throws a special, and to make it worse somehow, they are active at the same time… which in other words means that you’ll be losing that round because there’s nothing you can do once these overpowered abilities trigger.
Bullseye, if you fight him slow & well enough to avoid the overpowered intercept ability after he gains 1 bar of power… will throw his special into your block and do unavoidable damage that can guarantee your loss if you put any other defender down for your opponent that isn’t one of these new defenders.
Serpent and Photon can trigger unblockable and undexable specials which the community has complained enough about already for obvious reasons.
Now for those who say ‘just use a counter’… the fact that the new defenders are made with only a few certain champions that are able to fully counter them is a terrible and boring formula to make defenders with. What player wants to use the same 3-4 counters for the same defender over and over again because the other 200+ characters have no chance of winning the fight without inevitably losing half of your health.
Kabam is so out of touch with the community for thinking that players would find this new formula fun. Whales are the only players who have all these OP defenders instantly and put F2P & low spenders at a huge disadvantage in the main mode in the game… BG’s. If Kabam cared about community feedback… they’d nerf these unfair defenders and stop making defenders like this.
Onslaught has a new version of unblockable and a reverse control that trigger when he throws a special, and to make it worse somehow, they are active at the same time… which in other words means that you’ll be losing that round because there’s nothing you can do once these overpowered abilities trigger.
Bullseye, if you fight him slow & well enough to avoid the overpowered intercept ability after he gains 1 bar of power… will throw his special into your block and do unavoidable damage that can guarantee your loss if you put any other defender down for your opponent that isn’t one of these new defenders.
Serpent and Photon can trigger unblockable and undexable specials which the community has complained enough about already for obvious reasons.
Now for those who say ‘just use a counter’… the fact that the new defenders are made with only a few certain champions that are able to fully counter them is a terrible and boring formula to make defenders with. What player wants to use the same 3-4 counters for the same defender over and over again because the other 200+ characters have no chance of winning the fight without inevitably losing half of your health.
Kabam is so out of touch with the community for thinking that players would find this new formula fun. Whales are the only players who have all these OP defenders instantly and put F2P & low spenders at a huge disadvantage in the main mode in the game… BG’s. If Kabam cared about community feedback… they’d nerf these unfair defenders and stop making defenders like this.
I feel like I would change the order of KT1’s list but yeah all these items on his list. Dropped inputs and weird AI who within the last year has become top shelf, top teir player regarding sidestep intercepting and light intercepting. Or hell, just dropping special intercepts. Or standing in front of your block with no guard up and throwing a light the moment you drop your block like a god. 😂
I think Kabam really need to pick one of these off the list and seriously address it. You want to keep releasing crazy defenders? Okay then make some notable progress on your re parry and ai issues in the game. You can’t fix AI or re-parry? Okay stop releasing crazy defenders once a month. You want to release crazy long and complicated nodes… etc.
You say there aren’t changes to the AI? Make a run through your roster in arena and tell you don’t come across MANY weird, weird moments with the AI. it is definitely beyond just a passive AI not throwing specials. To me and I am assuming many others in the community (outside of forum) this would be huge to restore some faith. Give us something.
Like KT1 said when these issues pair up (hard defender + input issue) (input issue + hard meta/node) (game crashing mid incursion run losing 50% health) it just ruins the fun.
If I die it should either be because I messed up or got an unlucky draft and didn't get a counter. But to die because I get disconnected or a dropped input is so much worse. I've had 'perfect matchups' where I've lost because I have taken damage due to these issues. Or lost on time because the AI just wouldn't throw a special, and I just have to stand there, panicking.
I totally understand if it's hard to fix these issues, but SURELY Kabam could help us out a little by putting an aggressive node on defenders, or a node where intercepts put taunts on the defender etc? They did it for the battlerealm brawl as pointed out on another thread, why not in normal metas?
I love the aggressive node option for a stop gap. I think it would show that Kabam realize there is a problem and are meeting us half way.
Just a suggestion....Storm handles Bullseye very well, and in various game modes, because of her ability to inflict a passive stun when he purifies a stun, gain prowess from blocking his hits, and from landing and receiving critical hits. Stack her prowess and let her Sp 1 or Sp 2 rip. I prefer her Sp 2, but that's just me lol. You're gonna take some block damage, but it's better than getting KOd. Using her is totally up to you.
I made this vid to show the community what she does to him.
And I think I know a couple others based solely on their utility alone. Gotta test them out first.
That aggressive node debacle was one of the all time lowest things Ive seen imo. It was implicit acknowledgement that the AI was in such a poor state that broadcasting a BG tournament without it would be a PR disaster as players baited for a minute straight to lose to lose on time. Did they think to extend this to everyone in regular play? Nope. Even worse though, I believe the next meta was a power gain one where we saw Sp3s being eaten in historic rates. The problem was so bad that on any given match at least one person was essentially guaranteed to eat one
A good counter to her is Shuri. Photon isn't shock immune, and awakened Shuri can block her unblockable specials.
As someone who own a r3 photon on two accounts it would be pretty easy to nerf her defensively without changing anything else. Make her undexable condition only apply to the final hit of the sp1. I think it’s reasonable to day most people can dex, dex parry and, if they cant, the relative damage would be far lower. Also does nothing to her attack
I was only responding to the idea that you put fotrward that nerfing her necessarily would risk harming her offensive potential. I put forward an alternative which doesn’t do that at all and would probably be pretty well received I imagine. If your qualm is “no nerf at all” then can just say that and skip the first part (like you did here haha)
The AI and dropped inputs keep getting worse and not better too, to the point that now there’s unpredictable lag spikes ruining fights too. If we saw signs of this actually improving though it’d make the other pain points less severe
If you ever tried bullseye on magic thief, or try to have a fight against him on a node that you cannot use Storm, I'm pretty sure you will think differently, you know there are nodes like hazard shift, power snack, stun reflection, one eye open.... right?