Dust… can fight glancing?

I have a question regarding her ability to punish glancing.

As it says above she places sand debuff whenever they glance which is cool, but you can’t turn it into passive because it also glances. Which makes this ability basically useless because the sand debuff is just gonna fall off in 3 seconds so what’s the point?
Is this intentional cause it just doesn’t make sense to me? I was fighting a Sersi if that helps, who just gonna be glancing 80% of the time.

As it says above she places sand debuff whenever they glance which is cool, but you can’t turn it into passive because it also glances. Which makes this ability basically useless because the sand debuff is just gonna fall off in 3 seconds so what’s the point?
Is this intentional cause it just doesn’t make sense to me? I was fighting a Sersi if that helps, who just gonna be glancing 80% of the time.
What I gather from this is when dust attacks opponent. Which makes sense cuz I was able to place sand debuff on Sersi.
It’s saying dust is attacking the opponent.
Read the THEIR, means them not dust blocking, the opponent blocking. So she is attacking.
Could be worded better but the first clause refers to the opponent being struck while the second one refers to Dust being struck
So it is whenever the opponent has a hit glance
We haven’t seen someone be able to counter glancing directly. It could’ve been a quite useful ability but like you said in niche situations since it’s a rare ability.
There other champs that have unusual abilities for there class like CGR has heal block when no other cosmics have that ability. It’s usually a tech ability.
While Venom has nullify when that a mystic ability. There are probably other odd champs that don’t always stay on theme for there class type.
Nullify is actually more cosmic than you'd think. Both Venom and Venompool Nullify buffs, as does Kamala Khan; and as you mentioned, CGR has his Fate Seal. You could also argue that the way Ronan punishes the opponent for having buffs would now be considered more in line with a Mystic.