Name some powerfull champs ,that Mcoc don't treat them as they deserve...

Do you remember last time you saw on Forums something about...
Captain America (all skins)
No... Because ,even them being badass on Mcu/Fox/Sony, they are a joke in our game.

And about Cap, hope we get US Agent before Thunderbolts movie
Captain America (all skins)
No... Because ,even them being badass on Mcu/Fox/Sony, they are a joke in our game.

And about Cap, hope we get US Agent before Thunderbolts movie
Sentry shoulda been the strongest science
I completely agree.
Og cap
Hank (Beast)
But, we are also missing One Above All, The Beyonder, the living tribunal, pantheon, Molecule man, Franklin Richards, Proteus, Legion, Hope Summers etc.
And of course Ego, who should have been in the game and given Star Lord fantastic synergy.
Dr. Zola
Silver surfer
But at the top of the list is Dr Strange and Sentry. My man's are of some the strongest in the verse and are garbogian.
Yes. Every day. In posts and threads about "Champs that desperately need reworks" etc.
This is done with absolutely no awareness of the irony of that situation.
Doctor Strange, the OG Sorcerer Supreme
Sentry: Beat a nerfed Molecule Man at his own molecular manipulation game and has nearly unlimited power
Mephisto and Dormammu: Universal level demonic entities
Odin: Universal skyfather
But I mean in terms of McoC game.
For example...Phoenix should have same treatment as Hercules with instead of Green/Yellow Aura, a phoenix aura and her power increased.
Of course we won't have equality for all champs...
But why not give some more power to this known champs and make them less subtle to be defeated and with higher chances to win.
Everyone will upgrade these ones and dont let them on a dust closed cabinet...
This is also ultimately a fools errand, because there is no such thing as buffing everyone. Champions are only strong or weak based on the content they have to fight. And content is designed to target the average power of the average champion on attack. If literally every champ was buffed to be as strong as Hercules, all the champs would be boringly average. Because all of the content in the game would be designed to be challenging for attack teams where every single champ was at least as strong as Hercules.
When everyone is super, no one is.
My example was only for Phoenix.
It will be horrible everyone a Hercules copy haha
And Phoenix, of course with another abbilities, sinergy, etc...
And my quote below "Of course we won't have equality for all champs..."
So, other champs may need a "fine tunning adjust" to improve their numbers.
He can control emotions which is powerful, I mean... just look at that: