Unfair Battleground

Fed up of these unfair matchups. Last fight my top champ 16k their top row were all over 24k and all duped. This is on silver 2. I would understand if it was platinum or higher. Sort it out KABAM
I have a 5m+ rating and 3m+ come from maxed 1-4 star champs.
A lot of players - probably the vast majority of them - do not understand that VT tiers get weaker and easier over time as stronger players promote, so many are just jumping in at the start and seeing very high match ups, and giving up without trying to find matches later in the season. This is eroding the number of players engaging in the mode from the bottom up.
Ironically, it might have been the high milestone rewards from a few seasons ago that hurt the mode. This caused a lot of players to join and try to push hard and fast, including lower strength and lower progression players because those rewards were not progression scaled - meaning they were more valuable to lower progression players, encouraging them to push harder. This caused a flood of lower strength players to play, which made it easier for them to find each other and match each other. But once those rewards were removed, fewer players joined, and this caused a self-reinforcing spiral downward - the fewer lower strength players there are, the harder it is for those that remain, and the more they are discouraged from participating.
I started on Silver this season and until two days ago, I was still stomping Cav and TB accounts who still had 5* in their decks non stop. For context this is my deck:
It wasn't until today when I reached Diamond that I started getting fair matchups.
I'm not saying matchmaking shouldn't be random in Plat and above cause it should but there's definitely an issue in Plat and below atm. There's been less participation and even the ones that are playing BGs, are playing less. Hope this changes soon, I'd hate for this game mode to die cause it's the best game mode by far but those milestone rewards and store prices for Paragon are just brutal right now and I'm sure that's part of the reason people like me aren't playing BGs as much. Then again, 8.4 is a couple of months away so I don't even know if any of this matters lol.
Silver 1 match up. Seriously
Whoever is beating up the weaker roster players, it isn't me. But because we're not likely to see lots of players come onto the forums to post that their match ups seem completely ordinary, it is difficult to know how much of a statistical anomaly it is to get a lot of weaker or stronger matches. In other words, I don't know if more people look like you, or look like me, in relative terms. I do know both of our experiences are happening, though.
This might be due to the fact that I'm Valiant, and the match maker is weighing that significantly. What is your current progression tier, if I may ask?
“You aren’t getting better matchups because everyone around your level has figured out the mode is pointless… and there aren’t enough higher accounts interested in playing the mode consistently to move up”
I remember when this was posited a few months back and we were all assured this wasn’t happening. Guess that top level BG store buff didn’t fix it either.
Same as AQ where u see strong people doing map 5 or 6 just for some glory, or even war where you can see monster accounts in Gold....
But I would rather see it die than see Uncollected players coddled into GC, and I would bet anything that the devs would sooner see it die than turn into a game economy nightmare of constantly escalating bribery that forces every other game mode to have to compete against Monty Hall.
I'm not saying it is inevitable the mode will die, and I'm not saying there aren't ways to adjust it to potentially make it more palatable. But none of those things removes the need for players to deal with stronger match ups if they intend on progressing past those players, and complaining about the rewards of a game mode that just months before people were saying were so high every other game mode must now catch up is being deliberately blind to the damaging effects of reward inflation. Every reward buff everywhere causes one thing, and one thing only: demands for everything else to catch up. At some point, you have to draw the line somewhere.
BG rewards will go over time, just like everything else does. But that should happen at the natural rate of inflation. Doing so to specifically encourage players to play a mode they would otherwise not play is a losing proposition. The giant milestone temporary rewards are proof of that. Everyone is waiting for the next one, just like everyone used to wait for the next Gold boost or the next Summoner's Advancement milestones.
Can someone explain how these accounts are in GC?
Another thing I've noticed (and I'm not sure if it's just pure coincidence or not) is that whenever I play at around 12pm-4pm PST I get matched with other Paragons with very similar decks however when I play at around 8pm-12am PST it's the complete opposite, I face a ton of lower accounts (well, I was until I hit Diamond 4). Not sure if time has anything to do with this or not but I have tested it and so far it's been like that.
1. Prestige matchmaking persists after Platinum tiers throughout VT, at least up to a serious extend or
2. Modding
In both cases Kabam is seriously exposed and needs to explain which of these two happens, as long as taking action on this issue.
These accounts SHOULDN'T be at GC even the last days of a busy season, not the first week of a regular season 😠