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Skill champs purifying Apoc debuffs

Toproller89Toproller89 Posts: 637 ★★★
Correct me if I'm wrong, but Apocalypse is supposed to be immune to his debuffs being shrugged off.

I have been in matches against Attuma and Cheeilth and they, along with some other skill champs are able to shrug off the stuns and also the sp debuffs.

Is this working as intended or not?


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    OrtounOrtoun Posts: 624 ★★★
    Cheelith has cleanse. As for Attuma if he has a couple concussions his purify accuracy could be higher then what apoc can counter (just my theory though, not sure if that is what is happening here)
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    Toproller89Toproller89 Posts: 637 ★★★
    Ortoun said:

    Cheelith has cleanse. As for Attuma if he has a couple concussions his purify accuracy could be higher then what apoc can counter (just my theory though, not sure if that is what is happening here)

    Im just starting to read through these skill champs info and Attuma has ability accuracy reversal, so apocs -100% purify ability accuracy is pushed back onto him, that's my understanding.
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    PikoluPikolu Posts: 7,021 Guardian

    Ortoun said:

    Cheelith has cleanse. As for Attuma if he has a couple concussions his purify accuracy could be higher then what apoc can counter (just my theory though, not sure if that is what is happening here)

    Im just starting to read through these skill champs info and Attuma has ability accuracy reversal, so apocs -100% purify ability accuracy is pushed back onto him, that's my understanding.
    Attuma benefits from AAR. AAR increases his chances which is why he has concussions on himself.
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    Toproller89Toproller89 Posts: 637 ★★★
    I think Apoc needs an update in order to at least counter the skill class of purification/cleanse champs
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    StertslStertsl Posts: 99

    I think Apoc needs an update in order to at least counter the skill class of purification/cleanse champs

    No he doesn't. Just cause a new mechanic was introduced after a certain champ was released doesn't mean they must buff older champs. That's how the game works
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    Toproller89Toproller89 Posts: 637 ★★★
    Pikolu said:

    I think Apoc needs an update in order to at least counter the skill class of purification/cleanse champs

    Cleanse came out specifically to counter apoc, so I doubt they'll change apoc to counter the thing that counters him.
    Why would they give the inferior hero class abilities to counter the other class? It's counter to what they usually do.

    I guess it's a way to make a champ redundant and not have people ask for rank down tickets because his kit wasn't touched.
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    ahmynutsahmynuts Posts: 6,644 ★★★★★
    edited March 17

    Pikolu said:

    I think Apoc needs an update in order to at least counter the skill class of purification/cleanse champs

    Cleanse came out specifically to counter apoc, so I doubt they'll change apoc to counter the thing that counters him.
    Why would they give the inferior hero class abilities to counter the other class? It's counter to what they usually do.
    There are so many champions that exist solely to do this one thing. Cosmics that are immune to nullify exist as an example. It's for added utility, and so the inferior class will not always be completely shut down by a single champion out of like 260. Which is why Nimrod had been such a huge problem for so long. He completely shut down so many mutants that it made the entire class increasingly irrelevant until champs that didn't get dog walked by him in 15 seconds were released
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    PikoluPikolu Posts: 7,021 Guardian

    Pikolu said:

    I think Apoc needs an update in order to at least counter the skill class of purification/cleanse champs

    Cleanse came out specifically to counter apoc, so I doubt they'll change apoc to counter the thing that counters him.
    Why would they give the inferior hero class abilities to counter the other class? It's counter to what they usually do.

    I guess it's a way to make a champ redundant and not have people ask for rank down tickets because his kit wasn't touched.
    One mutant shouldn't be able to counter everything in one class. Kabam has been pushing that.
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