Do they even care about their playerbase?

Like.. at all? Literally all I see is unfair match ups in bgs, horrible events, cash grab offers that put whales years beyond everyone else, and incredibly mediocre rewards for actual content. Like seriously? I've seen nothing but posts about how bad the content and bgs are in 3-4 months and yall legit have no good response? I've seen more "I'm done" posts in the past 3 months than in 7 years because of the bad content and bg B.S
If you don't spend you are not really a client...
2) Horrible Events: What has been horrible? I will admit that the banquet was terrible, I spent enough units to get some solo milestones and then I was done and spent my resources on Necro exploration. Which was amazing rewards, so not a net loss. What other events are horrible? Some side quests are underwhelming, but they are also easy and not crazy on time consumption.
3) Cash Grab Offers: Of course there are cash grab offers... they are a business. At least we don't have to watch an ad after every quest we complete. It is your choice to buy or not buy the offer. The whales should be far ahead of non-spenders, they are the reason the game is around in the first place. Netmarble is worth $3.63B and MCOC is still its top grossing game. This is not different than any other game.
If you are done then be done, the game is meant to be fun after all.
Tho I did Necro as 90% F2P few weeks ago, that's right, I was grinding **** since Necro got announced around November I guess, doing 5 Arena runs 3 times a day, that's only 15 times, which took me like 2 minute each. It's very easy but long patience process.
I'd say since I'm young (😳) I have free time here and there between classes, in cafe and such but that don't matter, 6 minutes of Arena a day made me overcome something like Necro? Holy ****, just don't lose your 3x streak 💀
So, just to clarify for me, what is the bad content? BGs is slated for a buff, they’ve already said that it’s coming over the next two seasons. It’s definitely on the slow side, but it’s confirmed to be happening. SQ is what the name says, Side Quest. It’s supposed to be a supplement to other things, not a core source of resources. And even then, the stuff available isn’t bad for the very minimal effort this SQ takes.
There’s so much to do in this game right now, the idea that there’s no good content for somebody at literally any progression level is just removed from reality.
And no kidding it's a time investment, it's everest content, not event quest.
Also, there's supposed to be a big gap between Paragon and Valiant, I dunno what you're going on about at this point.
Why wouldn't I get more bang for my buck if I'm buying a deal as Valiant, and you're buying one as paragon, exactly?
It offers literally no logical benefit to the game. You have 0 chance of advancing with 5 matches in a row required while fighting accounts like that.
Beyond that, every single EVENT quest(I should have clarified) has been absolute garbage, along with absolute horribly designed defenders that have come out with terrible tactics in war.
Because Valaiant definitely never face similar rosters to their own, or even more stacked rosters on their way there, by any means.
Or maybe we just don't care enough to do more than 3 wind every 2 days because solo rewards are complete garbage, currently.
But you're not ready for the reality of BG's, you just wanna whine because apparently all us big bad variants sit in VT to beat up smaller accounts (btw, in 40 or so matches thus far, I've faced maybe 5 sccts that were smaller than mine, many bigger or around the same size) but since we all do that, by right, we should all be sitting in GC by now.
I would say: we do, absolutely. But I think we've been trying to make our case for that for a long time, and I don't think we'll ever convince everyone.
Allow me to pull up a chair, turn it backwards all cool, camp counsellor-like and just wax poetic about community management here for a moment.
Let me say, first: I am incredibly grateful to work as a community manager, and even more-so to work within such a passionate community.
In my career I learned quickly that once a community reaches a certain size - and it's way smaller than you might think - it is impossible to please everyone. Does that mean we don't care? No, we absolutely care - we just can't do something to soothe every issue for every individual.
Think about it this way: for every "concern" you have on this list, there are certainly people in this community that feel the opposite. Hate your Battlegrounds matchup? I'm sure the person on the other side loved it. I'm not sure which "horrible event" we're referring to, but I've heard a great deal of praise for numerous new pieces of content, Necropolis among the most notable. Deals being a cash grab? I mean, it's a purchase, so, kind of hard to debate that, but the people buying them must enjoy them. Our job is to find and understand the balance on these specific topics.
A brief aside to say that I'm grateful our game really only allows people to buy time, with enough effort free to play Summoners are still able to keep up (yes I know it's a lot of effort). I also love that this game has something for everyone. I know some people feel the need to complete *all* of the content and feel stressed that they cannot. I enjoy that everyone has a favourite and could stick to playing just their favourite, if they really wanted. That doesn't mean all the other content is "bad" it just likely means it isn't meant for them.
So, back on track, let me ask the difficult question: how do we show Summoners we care? Well, that's a tough one to consider, as everyone has their own standards and we circle back to not being able to please everyone. But! There are constant internal conversations about community sentiment, a consistent feedback loop between the community team and the game team to discuss how everyone is feeling and (everyone's favourite!) data! These conversations happen outside the eye of the community, but there are always people advocating for the community needs. At the end of the day - and this likely isn't the first time you're seeing this - sometimes what the community wants conflicts with what the game needs.
Outwardly, we communicate as effectively as we can. But that doesn't mean we hop into every thread in the forum to provide one-on-one consolation with every issue, especially when they're about larger concepts/gripes with systems such as Battlegrounds matchmaking. That's just not what the forums are for. The forums are one of many factors that contribute to the previously mentioned internal conversations. Yes, we hop into conversations where we're able, and address bugs when they happen. And we always see the call for constant updates, even to just say "we're still working on it" - but that's just an unrealistic expectation to set, because we're doing a lot of things (like telling the gameteam about conversations and trends on behalf of the community!) and there are limited number of hours in a day.
At the end of the day, I love our livestreams and events like Battlerealm Brawl most because they allow us to connect with all of you in a much more engaging, live setting. I know not all of our forums-folks love the livestreams, and not everyone can fly to attend a live event, and that's okay. But it is our way of reaching out and showing the community we care. We care enough to not only communicate, but to connect and share a laugh and bond over a mutual love for this game and this community.
Thank you for reading this borderline nonsensical monologue about how we care about you. It might not always be in the way you want, but we're humans and we're doing our best.
TLDR - We care. We try to show it by: communicating when we're able, advocating for the community internally and connecting with you all through livestreams and events (and more).
We appreciate you mate ... I certainly do as being one of the faces of the community I know is a very thankless job 96% of the time.
You take the darts and keep coming ... and I can say that your contributions, effort, transparency and commitment is certainly noticed by the community at large.
Try not to take any of the darts personal. Keep doing great things and being an advocate at the table for us.
I am expecting OP to completely disregard it, though, unfortunately.
It's fine to want for better. As someone on the verge of AARP membership, sometimes things are just old and no fun anymore, and that's life.
There is no prior communication given from Kabam on these. If a mistake is made, and itd acknowledged, and the same mistake is being made over and over, what was the point of anything? If these posts are simply being read and not genuinely considered, and no real change is ever going to happen, then it's a moot point
I don't doubt your enthusiasm and care for the community, but what's being said and what we see is two different things.