Bgs are so unfair

I know this topic has been brought up a lot, and yes I could just not play the mode if I complain about it, but come on. Look at who I face in plat. My highest champ is a r3 6*

Cmon man use your brain cells
Ideally, we wouldn’t all be bunched up together and facing each other. BG would be more like Alliance war. Yes, a brand new alliance starts at the bottom, and because of that they will need to climb up the ranks, destroying weaker alliances as they go, because the game doesn’t actually know how strong they are. But eventually, that alliance reaches the point where the competition is all similar to themselves. They reach their intrinsic tier. From that point on, they will tend to have something close to a 50/50 record, because they will be facing equally strong alliances. In the long run, they will tend, on average, to not go up much, and not go down much.
Imagine if Battlegrounds was like that. Every match fair, every match 50/50. And you’d be stuck in tier 10 forever. No rewards for promotion, because you would never promote. You’d just get some rewards for winning, and some rewards for ending the season where you were, and that’s it.
Instead, we don’t all start where we left off. We start lower, and we’re given the opportunity to promote upward as high as we can, and we get rewards for doing so. It only takes a few wins to promote in most VT tiers, and you cannot go downward once to reach a tier. Those rewards are yours to keep no matter what happens. That’s not what happens in the Gladiator Circuit. You could reach Celestial, but if you lose you could drop all the way back down to Gamma or Urdu. You can actually lose rewards. You don’t even have to lose. You could do nothing, and have other players overtake you. That’s what’s “fair” in a real competition.
The trade off is that because this opportunity is given to everyone, stronger players will match against weaker players at some point to progress higher. And weaker players will face them if they want to try to promote past them. You’re seeing those guys because the game doesn’t trap everyone - you included - into a permanent 50/50 hell hole.
If you are a weaker player, that’s just the situation you’re dealt. You can still get plenty of rewards from the every other day milestones. And you can still get lots of rewards from promotion, at least as far as you can go. Especially for progressing players those rewards are substantial. And you will get better over time, and more competitive, and eventually get higher up the ladder. And even in a single season, as the stronger players promote upwards, they will leave your tier and make it easier for you to advance. You just need patience, and determination. You have to be willing to lose, to have the opportunity to win more over time.
Other stronger players will advance on your back by beating you. That’s always going to be true. It’s true for me, and I’m Valiant. But you take what you can get, and use it to get better. If you can deal with the fact that to get those rewards, you have to face the stronger players who also want their share of those rewards, then Battlegrounds is for you. Nobody likes to lose, but in a sense you’re being paid to lose. Participation and VT rewards are there to help you get better over time, so you eventually lose less.
Your call.
But this season many low ranked players have faced Valiants in bronze and silver lmao
Start Valiants in Vib3, Paragons in D3, and TBs in Plat3...then 99% of all players' dissatisfaction with BG disappears.
But it also means that Valiants can't bully smaller accounts in the first week, so it will probably never happen...Kabam doesn't dare to cause discontent among their P2W base.