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Bahamet bugged?

I’m trying to complete the Guilli challenges for wow but it seems that Bahamet is bugged.

I can’t trigger the parry on phase 2 after gaining the removal charges. And he keeps healing back to phase 1 while it’s not supposed to be possible to heal back more than the current phase.

Anyone facing the same issues?


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    PikoluPikolu Posts: 7,043 Guardian
    When he heals, he can heal above the threshold of the previous phase, but he doesn't go back a phase unless you die.
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    MrSakuragiMrSakuragi Posts: 4,537 ★★★★★
    DadouSan said:

    Pikolu said:

    When he heals, he can heal above the threshold of the previous phase.

    That’s not what’s write on his abilities, it clearly says « he can’t heal back higher than his current phase » at least in the French version.

    The description has been incorrect since his release.
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    M0NKEYNUTSM0NKEYNUTS Posts: 168 ★★
    I had similar issues last night. I burned a lot of revives and 4 hour crystals trying to get through phase 2. I could not get the parry to reflect the wave, despite the word "Parry" showing up on the left hand side.

    Clearly many others were able to get their Deathless Guillotines in the last few months, so it was probably some error on my part.

    The healing back to Phase 1 was annoying too, I read elsewhere that if you want a standard Bahamut fight, take the Sentry path instead of the Professor X path.

    Before I fully destroyed my phone in a fit of gamer rage, I decided to spend the 5K units for the last piece. It was an expensive night, in game resource-wise.
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    Greeky27Greeky27 Posts: 15
    Am seeing this too, about to report it as a bug.

    What device are you using? I'll link your post too @DadouSan
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    ReignkingTWReignkingTW Posts: 2,684 ★★★★★
    Greeky27 said:

    Am seeing this too, about to report it as a bug.

    What device are you using? I'll link your post too @DadouSan

    Don't bother it's been reported constantly. No response. It's the main reason I haven't touched it - I like the fight but I've heard so many problems with it I don't want to do it (but might try now).
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    Greeky27Greeky27 Posts: 15

    Greeky27 said:

    Am seeing this too, about to report it as a bug.

    What device are you using? I'll link your post too @DadouSan

    Don't bother it's been reported constantly. No response. It's the main reason I haven't touched it - I like the fight but I've heard so many problems with it I don't want to do it (but might try now).
    I get the frustration, I would rather it was looked into though. Need the piece in order to complete WOW so is time sensitive

    @Kabam Miike @Kabam Zibiit sorry if its been raised and is being looked at, but with WOW deadline being 2 weeks away, can we have some communication on this pls
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    Greeky27Greeky27 Posts: 15
    @DadouSan it just worked for me after a game reset, not sure why, but worth trying
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    MrSakuragiMrSakuragi Posts: 4,537 ★★★★★
    It’s been this way since April 2023, it’s not getting fixed before this objective goes away.
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    ReignkingTWReignkingTW Posts: 2,684 ★★★★★
    This fight is garbage. Did the sentry path but it's just so bad with G2099 even at 6r4. Burning through pots.
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    DadouSanDadouSan Posts: 35
    Greeky27 said:

    Am seeing this too, about to report it as a bug.

    What device are you using? I'll link your post too @DadouSan

    iPhone 15, IOS 17.3.1
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    DeathsworkerDeathsworker Posts: 158 ★★
    activate your prefights so you don't activate regen and bahamut won't heal. It's part of guillys kit to regen if you don't.
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    FolkvangrFolkvangr Posts: 120

    activate your prefights so you don't activate regen and bahamut won't heal. It's part of guillys kit to regen if you don't.

    I think that it’s better use the sp2 and let him hit you so you activate the regen and it damages him

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    QuelcanonQuelcanon Posts: 7
    edited March 24
    So bugged. Wasted so many revives and so much doubt. In the second phase it would say parry but not reflect the blast. Then there were many times he didn’t want to do anything. He just stood there and blocked so I’d have to hit into the block to keep going. I could screen shot that. I ended up just quitting because it was pointless to keep wasting revives when you can parry the blast but not reflect. Even heavy and not reflect. Then he just stands there. Disappointed.

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    PikoluPikolu Posts: 7,043 Guardian
    Quelcanon said:

    So bugged. Wasted so many revives and so much doubt. In the second phase it would say parry but not reflect the blast. Then there were many times he didn’t want to do anything. He just stood there and blocked so I’d have to hit into the block to keep going. I could screen shot that. I ended up just quitting because it was pointless to keep wasting revives when you can parry the blast but not reflect. Even heavy and not reflect. Then he just stands there. Disappointed.

    You need a cleanse charge to parry the blast back. You get a cleanse charge by using your special into his blast, just like phase 1.
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    DrManCr76DrManCr76 Posts: 3
    When should @kabam fix this issue? Wasted of my revives and they are not easy to get. Dissapointing ...
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    SandeepSSandeepS Posts: 1,223 ★★★★
    I had this issue and it was annoying. Says in English too that it shouldn't be able to go to a previous phase. Just persisted and units helped through. Compensation would be nice for this.
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    Sunstar19Sunstar19 Posts: 132
    Like Pikolu said, you need a removal charge before you can parry and reflect the blast. I made the same mistake twice found it puzzling I can’t reflect then went to see a YT video on the fight again and found what I was missing.

    In short, for phase 2 and 3, make sure Bahamet has 3 volatility charges and make sure you have a special ready. Once he throws SP1, throw your special into the blast to get your removal charge. Repeat the cycle and you can then parry in the next cycle to reflect the blast. There is a green icon under your champion health bar if you have the removal charge. It’s a fun and well designed boss fight I feel.
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