Symbiote Supreme in 2024

He is obviously a great mystic, but for me, I would like a small change to his kit, such as when facing a bleed immune opponent, he inflicts rupture or degeneration (except against Science for obvious reasons). Do you think this is necessary or not?
Symbiote Supreme in 2024 101 votes
He's one of those champs that excels in ideal match ups, but doesn't do great otherwise.
You seen what Bero did in that video, he's nuts in ideal matches as it is.
I mean, he can melt maestro, serpent and other super good cosmic defenders, making him cause rupture against bleed immune opens a whole boatload of other matchups he would rip apart relatively easily.
I agree he could definitely use an update, but I'm not sure making his bleed ruptures against bleed immune champs is it.
His fury is very potent and so is his bleeds, he is a great 7* candidate
And yeah make him a 7*I
Looks like he’s a 7 star now
I'm excited to see what he does as a 7*.