Who are you spending your seven star sig stones on?

Right now, I think I'm dumping enough into Knull to get him to the next corruption charge and then the rest into Domino or maybe Titania. Who are you using your sig stones on?
If I dupe KM, I will use them on him.
Such gigachad
I'm waiting on Gladiator's buff, in which case he may get the highest prestige of my 7r3, and he can also use those X Magica stones.
But...I did just awaken my Knull. So depending on Glad's buff, my Titan openings come April rotation, etc...he might get the r3 instead, in which case I'd probably use 9 stones to get him to sig 39, then the remaining 11 on someone else.
For the 20 WoW generics, I’m thinking Angela. I’m going to r3 her as soon as possible, and 20 more sigs will get mine to sig 60, where it’s a 20% potency per buff. It’s good stuff.
It was either Knull or Domino. Went with the King in Black.