You could've just shot Jax or Miike a DM, letting them know, and they'd bring it to the game team for a quick fix. Don't think we needed a thread (especially one so needlessly aggressive) for a misspelled word lol
You could've just shot Jax or Miike a DM, letting them know, and they'd bring it to the game team for a quick fix. Don't think we needed a thread (especially one so needlessly aggressive) for a misspelled word lol
This is something I'd just send to support instead of bothering the community managers with.
Also protip: don't ask for someone to find something wrong with the picture if you know what's wrong. Just say what is wrong. It is much kinder to do it that way.
Also protip: don't ask for someone to find something wrong with the picture if you know what's wrong. Just say what is wrong. It is much kinder to do it that way.