AW match making Question. Are you supposed to match a tier above in AW?

My alliance is currently a tier 3 alliance. We’re 2-2 for the season, so we had no reason to believe we would move up to tier 2. When we got our match we noticed we’re fighting on a tier 2 map. In game we’re still showing as tier 3 and the alliance we matched with has a higher war rating than us. We’re fighting on a tier 2 map, but still getting tier 3 points.
Is this normal? This has never happened to us in the past. Wondering if this is just a weird coincidence or something screwy with match making, connected to the orange banner above.
Is this normal? This has never happened to us in the past. Wondering if this is just a weird coincidence or something screwy with match making, connected to the orange banner above.