Stop camping on Victory Track



  • ShiroMikazukiShiroMikazuki Member Posts: 512 ★★★
    Lemme come fight you in victory track real quick and get a free win mhm
  • Double_HelixDouble_Helix Member Posts: 55
    I would love to see VT removed completely. There are essentially 3 matchmaking systems, with the middle one mucking up the works. Early VT matches based on some measure of roster size, ensuring potentially fair matchups (aside from the huge advantage of knowledgable players using alts); GC matchmaking is based on ELO rating, ensuring fair matchups based on performance; late VT, though, is a free-for all where small accounts hit a very hard wall and big accounts bottleneck each other. It causes a very de-motivating road-block in the middle of the competition and has a very negitive effect on the overall game mode. In the early days, there was no VT. There was only one battleground, and everyone matched based on ELO rating. The huge problem with that was big accounts losing down to a zero rating and then farming wins against easy accounts on the way up. In my opinion, you could fix this by changing the scoring system to account for win quality, similar to alliance war. Losing a close match against KT1 on stream, for example, should net you more season points than dunking on cav accounts in the same way that losing a Tier 1 war gives you more points than winning handily in Tier 12. That would remove the incentive to camp / farm, and would allow everyone to play roughly at their level and have a reasonable shot at winning matches. More developed rosters could attain higher rewards. Lower accounts could compete and not feel like cannon-fodder. The rewards from VT progression could be moved to a revamped set of solo objectives that reward you for playing and winning matches (and reward you more for playing / winning against harder opponents, making top-tier rewards out of reach even for heavy grinders at low levels).

    The structure of Victory Track *is* the problem... it's not an issue with the way people are playing it.
  • Ironman3000Ironman3000 Member Posts: 1,938 ★★★★★
    Wicket329 said:

    Pikolu said:

    Pikolu said:

    Hello, big account here. I just get my 3 wins every 2 days at this point and with losing some matches, I'm still just in V2. Some of us are just taking our sweet time and not stressing about the gamemode. Others of us don't prioritize mcoc for various reasons including family or just playing different games in spare time. Just because there are large accounts on VT still, doesn't mean that they're just camping, it most likely means they don't feel pressured to be too engaged with the gamemode.

    But it's never been like this. I've been playing BGs since they came out and even back when I was TB and we still had sandbagging, I never saw these many stacked accounts with ten days left in the season just chilling in VT. Of course Valiant wasn't a thing back then but we still had stacked accounts and they usually already were in GC by this time.
    I'm not saying Kabam please do prestige matchmaking for whole VT or lower the wins from 5 to 3 but something is definitely wrong with BGs and participation atm and they need to do something about it. Whether it's the nodes or Valiant needing more incentives, something has to change.
    Don't wanna edit this cause it'll probably get sent to the forums abyss but just to be clear, all I'm saying is GC needs either better rewards or multipliers or something. Valiant players need more incentives so they actually get to GC quicker and climb up as high as possible to prevent situations like this one. Situation which I completely understand, if I was Valiant I wouldn't be grinding hard either, what for?
    Would be cool if there was an objective that gave something for getting to GC within the first 2 weeks to incentivize the large accounts pushing out of VT early.
    Yeah, throw an extra objective for winning GC matches on the pile and all of a sudden there’s a compelling reason to get into that bracket as soon as possible.
    Agreed. The fact that VT wins give the same points as GC wins is insane. Not that the ranked rewards are good enough to incentivize most to try bt it would help.
  • Ironman3000Ironman3000 Member Posts: 1,938 ★★★★★
    BigBlueOx said:

    Alternatively what if the VT was abolished… the rewards from it were moved to solo milestones and the tier separation between accounts just leveled out naturally?

    Do you mean what they had in the Beta and what makes the most sense for a game mode like BGs? Yeah. that would have been a good idea.

    The VT/GC has been the main issue with BGs since season 1 and it's all self-inflicted.
  • BringPopcornBringPopcorn Member Posts: 4,301 ★★★★★

    BigBlueOx said:

    Alternatively what if the VT was abolished… the rewards from it were moved to solo milestones and the tier separation between accounts just leveled out naturally?

    Do you mean what they had in the Beta and what makes the most sense for a game mode like BGs? Yeah. that would have been a good idea.

    The VT/GC has been the main issue with BGs since season 1 and it's all self-inflicted.
    Kinda like 2 separate BGs?.... It has been asked for many times and always shot down for some reason, and the idea was shot down by players.
  • Ironman3000Ironman3000 Member Posts: 1,938 ★★★★★

    BigBlueOx said:

    Alternatively what if the VT was abolished… the rewards from it were moved to solo milestones and the tier separation between accounts just leveled out naturally?

    Do you mean what they had in the Beta and what makes the most sense for a game mode like BGs? Yeah. that would have been a good idea.

    The VT/GC has been the main issue with BGs since season 1 and it's all self-inflicted.
    Kinda like 2 separate BGs?.... It has been asked for many times and always shot down for some reason, and the idea was shot down by players.
    They tried to be really smart and combine the competitive mode with the training mode and ruined both, lol.
  • thisisimpossiblthisisimpossibl Member Posts: 69
    Battlegrounds sucks huge last 2 seasons. I am 16.7 (ish) prestige I think and I probably match with 19.5k+ 90% of the time. I find it really hard to believe I am the only player in Vib 3 this season within 2k prestige of me. They won't do it because it would take away spending motivation but there should be some way to even the playing field a little bit. Getting incredibly sick of managing to win 2-3 matches vs 20k prestige just to lose the next 4. Massive turnoff to BG lately.
  • BringPopcornBringPopcorn Member Posts: 4,301 ★★★★★

    Battlegrounds sucks huge last 2 seasons. I am 16.7 (ish) prestige I think and I probably match with 19.5k+ 90% of the time. I find it really hard to believe I am the only player in Vib 3 this season within 2k prestige of me. They won't do it because it would take away spending motivation but there should be some way to even the playing field a little bit. Getting incredibly sick of managing to win 2-3 matches vs 20k prestige just to lose the next 4. Massive turnoff to BG lately.

    There is not spending motivation at all. The rewards are sub par in every aspect that spending is needed. The only thing worth buying right now is shields maybe to cut down on some frustration.
  • IlociaM97IlociaM97 Member Posts: 163
    So I have to grind on day 1 bc kabam can't provide a fare match making????
  • Rayven5220Rayven5220 Member Posts: 2,090 ★★★★★
    So I finally strung some wins together last night and made it to vibranium 3, mostly thanks to some of the smaller accounts I had to face to finally do it (last round was a little more even but I squeaked out a nice win) so believe me when I say we aren't "camping" to bully smaller accounts.
    I wanna advance as much as the next player, it's just a huge gong show trying to advance because we're ALL in the same boat.

    I'm still facing accounts that make mine look new so it's pretty difficult to string 5 wins together alot of times.
  • BigBlueOxBigBlueOx Member Posts: 2,015 ★★★★★

    BigBlueOx said:

    Alternatively what if the VT was abolished… the rewards from it were moved to solo milestones and the tier separation between accounts just leveled out naturally?

    Do you mean what they had in the Beta and what makes the most sense for a game mode like BGs? Yeah. that would have been a good idea.

    The VT/GC has been the main issue with BGs since season 1 and it's all self-inflicted.
    Exactly that…

  • GrO_ot78GrO_ot78 Member Posts: 688 ★★★
    edited March 26
    They removed the Beta system to make more money, with the victory shields etc…and with their greed, they destroyed BG…it could be the best thing ever made in mcoc…but nope, lets find a way to make even more money on this. And thats why it will never change back to the fun sunshine days, Kabam will 💸💸💸

    5 fights in D1 today…5 packed Valiants decks, 3 wins…i’m gonna stay here forever 🥵🥵🥵

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