Paragons acquiring deathless piece from winter of woe

im paragon and have 12 points atm. i did all objectives except for the robot (but this was given for free) and also have not done the deathless guilly piece. with the next coming quest can we acquire 5 or 6 points from it? because if we can only acquire 5 then i will have to spend 5K units for my last guilly piece in order to get the full 18 points for king groot. would love official clarification from the team as this is a timely manner as the guilly obj expires in a few days and i have to make my decision
If there's any way for you to get Necropolis completion and explore Act 8 I'd try to do that asap so you get the Valiant objectives for the final quest, that way even if you miss the Deathless Guillotine objective you'll still have the extra ones for Valiant.
Probably won't be the case but since these pieces are expensive I would try to play it as safe as possible personally.