Winter of Woe points miscalculation - Deathless Guilly is not optional

KGold29KGold29 Member Posts: 43
I’m valiant and I have missed the Sinister objective on week 1 but I got that back from the point from the email. Then I did the optional objective for Deathless Guilly last week thinking I can skip 1 objective this week. But after doing a cosmic team run I am missing 1 point so I have to do the last objective. The my alliance mates started messaging about missing points. After some calculation on total points it looks like Deathless Guilly is not optional after all.

Am I missing something in this calculation?


  • Grub88Grub88 Member Posts: 363 ★★★
    There is a point in each of the boxes on each path of the quest
  • KGold29KGold29 Member Posts: 43
    Oh thanks! That’s awesome. I’m going to let my alliance mates know they’re only missing 1 point for the final milestone.
  • Onassys1Onassys1 Member Posts: 70
    Grub88 said:

    There is a point in each of the boxes on each path of the quest

    There isn't points in the chests trust me and I'm not the only have this issue .
  • Grub88Grub88 Member Posts: 363 ★★★
    Onassys1 said:

    Grub88 said:

    There is a point in each of the boxes on each path of the quest

    There isn't points in the chests trust me and I'm not the only have this issue .
    Well it worked fine for me was on 16 points yesterday and I’m on 24 today. Sorry if you are having an issue with it
  • Vegeta9001Vegeta9001 Member Posts: 1,711 ★★★★★
    Grub88 said:

    Onassys1 said:

    Grub88 said:

    There is a point in each of the boxes on each path of the quest

    There isn't points in the chests trust me and I'm not the only have this issue .
    Well it worked fine for me was on 16 points yesterday and I’m on 24 today. Sorry if you are having an issue with it
    Same for me, I got a point for each side completed.
  • ShashankGuptaShashankGupta Member Posts: 624 ★★★
    Lol guys trust me we are getting fool by saying there is one point in each path chest
    I am valiant and currently on 15 points
    According to everyone you can get 8 points only but according to my calculation
    6 points for objective and 1 point for completion and 2 points from chest if each chest gives points so we should get 9 points instead of 8
    We need some clarification on this topic
    @Kabam Miike @Pikolu @DNA3000
  • VaniteliaVanitelia Member Posts: 560 ★★★
    If you do all 6 objectives and complete both sides of the map, you can get a maximum of 8 points. I think the intention was 1 point for completion and 1 for fully exploring, but the wording on "How to Earn Points" wasn't all that great.

    I started with 17 and ended with 24 points because I left the cosmic objective off (used Venom on both sides of the map).

  • G-Hun-GearG-Hun-Gear Member Posts: 1,447 ★★★★

    according to my calculation
    6 points for objective and 1 point for completion and 2 points from chest if each chest gives points

    The chests are NOT IN ADDITION to completion... 1st chest IS completion, 2nd chest IS exploration...

  • Savage123456789Savage123456789 Member Posts: 870 ★★★★
    Onassys1 said:

    Grub88 said:

    There is a point in each of the boxes on each path of the quest

    There isn't points in the chests trust me and I'm not the only have this issue .
    When you open the chests, you get 1 gold. That’s the point. It’s a visual thing. It doesn’t show the regular point symbol like in the objectives tab. Do the math again, so far everyone claiming to be missing points has been doing the math wrong
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,461 Guardian

    Lol guys trust me we are getting fool by saying there is one point in each path chest
    I am valiant and currently on 15 points
    According to everyone you can get 8 points only but according to my calculation
    6 points for objective and 1 point for completion and 2 points from chest if each chest gives points so we should get 9 points instead of 8
    We need some clarification on this topic
    @Kabam Miike @Pikolu @DNA3000

    This one caught me a bit as well. The points are in the chest, not in regular completion and exploration because due to a technical issue the devs had to include a way to exit the map that didn't require going through gates. But if you got a Woe point for completion players could get that point basically for free by taking the bypass path, which "completes" the map. So the points were added to the map in chests, so players had to do one of the actual fight paths to earn them. There might not be a visual indication for them, but that's where they are.

    So there's one point in each path contained in each chest, which essentially corresponds to one point for completion and one point for exploration, and then there are the six points (for Valiant) in the objectives, for a total of eight.
  • GamerGamer Member Posts: 11,518 ★★★★★
    Onassys1 said:

    Grub88 said:

    There is a point in each of the boxes on each path of the quest

    There isn't points in the chests trust me and I'm not the only have this issue .
    Yes go do the offer part and com back
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