Winter of Woe points miscalculation - Deathless Guilly is not optional

I’m valiant and I have missed the Sinister objective on week 1 but I got that back from the point from the email. Then I did the optional objective for Deathless Guilly last week thinking I can skip 1 objective this week. But after doing a cosmic team run I am missing 1 point so I have to do the last objective. The my alliance mates started messaging about missing points. After some calculation on total points it looks like Deathless Guilly is not optional after all.

Am I missing something in this calculation?

Am I missing something in this calculation?
I am valiant and currently on 15 points
According to everyone you can get 8 points only but according to my calculation
6 points for objective and 1 point for completion and 2 points from chest if each chest gives points so we should get 9 points instead of 8
We need some clarification on this topic
@Kabam Miike @Pikolu @DNA3000
I started with 17 and ended with 24 points because I left the cosmic objective off (used Venom on both sides of the map).
So there's one point in each path contained in each chest, which essentially corresponds to one point for completion and one point for exploration, and then there are the six points (for Valiant) in the objectives, for a total of eight.