Thoughts on the Resonate Mastery?

PolygonPolygon Member Posts: 5,135 ★★★★★
edited April 2024 in General Discussion
Do you find it worth the double edged sword for the science champs like Titania that benefit from it? Or warlock for AW . Other good reasons to run it for attack like more debuffs for Photon

The downside is if you run into skill champs like korg, zemo etc now all your hits are going to actually harm you. Same with AW in activating willpower

I’m currently trying to see if its worth losing 1 point in deep wounds to have 1 point in it (running 4/5 DW atm)

Thoughts on the Resonate Mastery? 57 votes

I tend to run 1 point in it
Spity68ProxAngusMac279DeaconGravityJack2634VinodCherryPotatoslice500Mrmr13summerdeer 10 votes
I dont run it usually
PantherusNZHeinz11Ragnarok13MagrailothosLuke2323GuzmaMhd20034gohard123LilMaddogHTZsirhcZSachhyam257BoxermykeRockyshockysxlbstverliebtRookiieSagacious0wlcaptain_rogersjcphillips7Wolf911xLunatiXx 47 votes


  • DamageFactionDamageFaction Member Posts: 95
    I tried it for a while but it didn’t last long. I equipped it thinking it might save a bit of damage against enemies with high attack stats but didn’t notice any real difference to damage reduction from hits or blocking. To be honest it can do more harm than good, the final straw for getting rid of it was that node where enemies get an unblockable buff while suffering from a non damaging debuff, that node was a nightmare with resonate so I got rid of it and have no plans to ever use it again.
  • LilMaddogHTLilMaddogHT Member Posts: 1,211 ★★★★
    I dont run it usually
    Keep in mind, Domino can crit fail Resonate as well... Not fun
  • PantherusNZPantherusNZ Member Posts: 2,340 ★★★★★
    I dont run it usually
    I used to run it when I used Elektra as a main AW Attacker because it would fuel her AAR, but I turned it off a LONG time ago and never looked back
  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 11,760 ★★★★★
    I dont run it usually
    Any masteries domino can counter == bad
  • SirGamesBondSirGamesBond Member Posts: 6,249 ★★★★★
    I put one point in defence loadout.
    I have Void on defence.
    Not a fan of running it attack builts.
  • MagrailothosMagrailothos Member Posts: 6,197 ★★★★★
    I dont run it usually
    I'm trying out running it right now, since they introduced the ability to have Mastery loadouts.

    I opened it a while back for Mr Negative; but then I didn't use him enough; and the free Willpower healing was problematic in Arenas/BGs/War.

    However, since you can now have a separate War loadout, I'm trying it out again as I have a fairly strong science roster; and I'm not spending a lot of time doing other PvP content (arena/BGs).

    Resonate is very useful for Luke Cage and especially for Jessica Jones - her ramp to 10 Investigation speeds up dramatically.

    Apart from that, clearly there's added value for Void, Photon, Mister Fantastic, Mister Negative, Red Guardian, Warlock, and Spidey-2099.

    Sure it'll be less helpful against Domino and Skill shruggers; I'm going to spend a week trying it out, and see how I like it.
  • gingerspeedgingerspeed Member Posts: 11
    I dont run it usually
    I haven’t been able to find this information anywhere. If I get resonate, will it proc from my defenders in bgs and AW, reducing the attack of my opponent? The way it is worded, this should be the case, but maybe only if your opponent takes a hit from your defenders?
  • TotemCorruptionTotemCorruption Member Posts: 1,516 ★★★★
    I dont run it usually

    I haven’t been able to find this information anywhere. If I get resonate, will it proc from my defenders in bgs and AW, reducing the attack of my opponent? The way it is worded, this should be the case, but maybe only if your opponent takes a hit from your defenders?

    Yes, same as inequity; it will proc on defense if the conditions apply.
    Remember, however, that Resonate will give your BG or AW opponent healing if they are running the Willpower mastery.
    The last thing I want my opponents to get is 7 seconds of healing in exchange for a non-damaging weakness debuff.
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