Legacy Skins!

I posted this on the discord server…
We all saw the skin crystal notification months ago…
Hear me out, this skin crystal should have different star rarity, so a 1 star skin crystal should have a slight variation of the original skin, 2 star a different skin, 3 star a pretty cool skin and 4 star epic skins from the comics, movies, etc.
Also LEGACY SKINS, every champion, or selected champions, should have a legacy skin, a pretty different, epic and unique skin you can earn by doing specific missions using the champion or tag related champions. Obviously this mission should be challenging so this skins can remain unique and exclusive (think of this as COD weapon’s cammos).
This can also help kabam because they can add skin crystals in bundles and special events (better value= more sales).
Let me hear your thoughts and hopefully kabam sees this.
We all saw the skin crystal notification months ago…
Hear me out, this skin crystal should have different star rarity, so a 1 star skin crystal should have a slight variation of the original skin, 2 star a different skin, 3 star a pretty cool skin and 4 star epic skins from the comics, movies, etc.
Also LEGACY SKINS, every champion, or selected champions, should have a legacy skin, a pretty different, epic and unique skin you can earn by doing specific missions using the champion or tag related champions. Obviously this mission should be challenging so this skins can remain unique and exclusive (think of this as COD weapon’s cammos).
This can also help kabam because they can add skin crystals in bundles and special events (better value= more sales).
Let me hear your thoughts and hopefully kabam sees this.
People need to stop with skins. Almost as bad as rank down ticket threads
Also, one of my favorite parts of the game is the art in the character design, and the art team don’t miss
Unless people start posting videos of their hot pink Spiderman....
And seeing them in defense would probably be meh
On a more story based note
Since you're a comic fan you know how important the existence a consistent canon is. Skins would obliterate the canon cause literally every version of character is supposed to a variant seperate from the original and Is present in the contest
Take Spidey (stark enhanced) and Spidey ( stealth suit) for example, these are Literally the same person, and literally a few months apart from eath other in their original timeline yet separate variants in the contest .
A similar thing could be said for,
- scarlet witch and sigil witch
- Red n White magneto
- Red and blue cycops
- Deadpool and dp x force
- daredevil and DD hell's kitchen
- Wolverine and logan
- cap, cap WW2 and cap IW
- iron man, iron man IW and all the 3000 other versions of him
- Hulk and Hulk Ragnarok, immortal hulk, Maestro
- black widow and black widow deadly origin
- Captain Marvel, Miss Marvel and Cap Marvel movie
Your car is not gonna go any faster cause you paint some flames on the sides...
Also, why is that "car is not gonna go any faster..." part of my quoting your comment NOT showing in your post but IS in mine. Ah, I see. It was in the edit, but I didn't reload before quoting... weird. And some people like the flames on the side because they look cool. The skin idea if nothing else were included in other fighting games like Tekken, Mortal Kombat, etcetera etcetera... never meant to change the character's performance. Kabam, however, with the massive amount of characters in THIS game, can't handle different skins.
I didn't mention the RD... Cause the first rule of RD.. is don't talk about RD...
Look this game has actually pretty good details, the art department does a pretty good job adding details that most people don't notice. Glowing eyes, Rogue taking off a glove during a special to touch the opponent to do damage.
Add skins for what? So people can put a paper bag on a champ or make it bubble gum pink because its funny?.. nah thanks