Magica & thief symbols

Why do X-Magica and Magic Thief have the same symbol on their left side. We should be able to tell the apart by their symbols. If you click on X-Magica and Magica thief you can’t tell who is who. Of course some of remember some of each. But not everyone. It would be nice to tell them apart by thier symbol.
Of course its their own fault, but I can understand, how its confusing, as its new, special to this saga, and most importantly - the symbol shares the same place with active tactic in aw champ selection screen.
And in the end - regardless if its their fault or not, their trust in the game and happines with the game is being undermined all the same by such poor design choice, and I, as an a officer, have to explain them repeatedly why it was not working and what they actualy need to check to be sure it will work next time, which in the end is realy tiring.
And all that could have been avoided if it was designed in some less confusing way. But somehow the confusun is now in so much game elements, like theqs maps for example... I kinda feel like its being made this chaotic on purpose but that is realy strange. Why do that? It only upsets the players.
Mystic and mutants with the symbol are x magica
Skill and cosmics with the symbol are magic thief
Void is x magica, thing is magic thief's much easier to just change the filters you know, but it also is very unfriendly.question is which one is worse. The need to remember stuff that will be useless in 1.5 month, or the need to switch the filters every time. Especially when the symbol was introduced to make it easier to navigate.
You know, it would have been easily understandable if there would be two different and easy to distinguish symbols - one for #magic thief and another or #x-magica
The current system is less confusing trust me. Also your alliance members should actually use the ingame filter before drafting x magica tactic attackers. Cuz that's how we did for other tactics like decay/sick and tired and all right?
but its funny you mentioned the other tactics. hard to believe there are still people who do not understand that the selected tactic only applies to chapms with coresponding tag
Anyway, yeah it would be best if the X would not be there at all, but I quess main reason is because of the AW buff and to mark saga characters, not becasue the any of the tactics. But its clearly the location of this thing in the character selection screen that is causing this confusion.
Also it’s not confusing, it’s a symbol to know which champions are included in the saga, not to differentiate between both tags
Doesn’t mean that it is confusing, just that people don’t pay attention or read at all
But here the icon is X, exactly like X-Magicka. would you expect that to have anything to do with Magic, or Thief? I mean if you did not already knew? and the location of these also matches the expectations, so, nothing to give up any mistake, exept there can be diferent icon in that place. which there is no reason to expect, unles you already noteced elsewhere, there is alos on combined variant mixin both the X and the thingy displaing the attacker tactic.
Why would you expect only half of the saga champions to have the saga symbol?
The saga has been in the game for almost 6 weeks now, only reason to not know about it is by no paying attention, or just coming back to the game in the last few days
So the “X” in X-Magica champs would imply Mutant, and as a second class the Mystics as well, because some of the other X-Men or Mutant associated champs are in the Mystic class in game (so even if there are other Mystic champs in Saga that are not related to Mutants, just think of it as the Class as a whole, which includes Magic users, aka “X-Magica”, thus Mystic).
And conversely, the Thief tag would logically represent Skill class (no powers, etc, have to rely on their own wits, etc).
As for 2nd class in Thief, not sure how to tie in Cosmic class. Other than to remember it as it is the other major class of champs in Saga that are *NOT* either Mutant/Mystic (X-Magica).
Void and Thing being outliers, as the only “one-off” class champs in Saga.