How to “do” arena?

Hello guys,
Recently I’ve decided to play arena for units to save up for Necro exploration.
For the 4-7 star one with stars^ pts^ im able to get 12mill with two runs of my roster. Feel pretty good.
For the 4-7 star arena with all stars have same points I only use five stars and r2 six stars (saving 6+7s for other arena). Only able to get 2.5 mill cuz I don’t have many maxed 5s and also they’re always paired against 7stars. Idk how I should be making teams for matchmaking.(for all arenas I build up to 15 streak with low champs then use my best ones top down.
For 1-4 star I can only get to 1M pts but these milestones have all the juicy units. I did the math and I could spend 7 mill gold taking 17 of my r3 and r4 4stars to max cuz en I have 11 maxed. Not sure if that’s smart tho…
Basically I want tips for arena as I’m starting to try it seriously. Do you guys also put pt multipliers on every team as well when using ur best few teams?
Tldr: how to match make in 4-7 star low point arena, and should I upgrade a bunch of four stars for summoner trials. Would rlly appreciate any insights.
Recently I’ve decided to play arena for units to save up for Necro exploration.
For the 4-7 star one with stars^ pts^ im able to get 12mill with two runs of my roster. Feel pretty good.
For the 4-7 star arena with all stars have same points I only use five stars and r2 six stars (saving 6+7s for other arena). Only able to get 2.5 mill cuz I don’t have many maxed 5s and also they’re always paired against 7stars. Idk how I should be making teams for matchmaking.(for all arenas I build up to 15 streak with low champs then use my best ones top down.
For 1-4 star I can only get to 1M pts but these milestones have all the juicy units. I did the math and I could spend 7 mill gold taking 17 of my r3 and r4 4stars to max cuz en I have 11 maxed. Not sure if that’s smart tho…
Basically I want tips for arena as I’m starting to try it seriously. Do you guys also put pt multipliers on every team as well when using ur best few teams?
Tldr: how to match make in 4-7 star low point arena, and should I upgrade a bunch of four stars for summoner trials. Would rlly appreciate any insights.
If I'm grinding seriously, I will then try to squeeze in first 5 matches of Trials. Later that day I'll run bottom 6* again to match 5 in the 6* featured.
The following morning before gym, I'll try and run all my 7* in 6* featured which gives about 2.7m points. Then I'll try and run them again later in the day when they refresh. Then again the next morning and afternoon. This gets me close to final milestone, and I'll do 1-2 matches with 6* to finish. Soon I'll have enough 7* to use them alone.
During the afternoon or sometimes evening, I'll run Trials where I can, usually going for 1.5-3.2m points. I have taken the time and resources to rank up a few more 4* teams and currently have 18 (54 champs at R5.)
I don't consistently do the whole routine, and a light grind like right now, when I'm using my free time for 8.4, might mean just running the 6* basic which is shortest to all milestones... Just 30 something rounds.
Doing this I currently have 27k units and 7m BCs after getting all unit deals during Cyber sales. It's possible with random Kabam events, EQ and solo event units, along with a full grind to pull over 6k units per month.
I do run recoils 100% of the time and have only recently taken them off for few paths in 8,4. Thank you free respec! Hopefully, switching load outs is fixed now.
Good luck in your grind!
Here is what I do:
Feature Arena (I only run 7s, I have 48 7s)
Fights 1-7: Filter 7s, sort lowest rating on top
Fight 7 on: Filter 7s. sort by availability
Basic arena: (I only run 6s) I usually only do 15 fights at a time
Fights 1-7: Filter 6 r3s, sort lowest rating on top
Fights 7 on: All 6s sorted by availability
4 star arena: I only run my max 4s, 15 teams
Special arenas: just run your 5s, you get 30 units in 4-7 rounds.
6* featured arena:
start with lowest 6* r1 level 1 and finish 5 matches ( get 3x multiplier )
then start from top of my 7*s I get only bot teams till I finish my 7*s ( gets me above 4.5 million points )
6* basic arena:
same start as above with the ones available
as i have exhausted 7*s I just start at top of my 6*s and stop when I get above 1.5 million points
3 rounds in 3 days gets me all milestones
Edit: forgot to mention I have 36 7*s if you have less then use 6*s ( I sort by tier )
And then i’ll do 450k in the 4* arena, for some easy units.
I get 1500-2000 units per week, with normal battle chips pulls.
I got 21 x 7*s and 66 x 6*R3+.
You get points based on how strong your team is and how strong your opponent team is in the arena. It is complicated, but higher PI helps, so ranking up helps. If you use a team with, say, 25k PI you will score more points than if you use a team with 18k PI. But few players have nothing but max rank 4* champs, so when you do the arena if you start with your highest PI champs and work your way down, you will score fewer and fewer points as you go deeper and deeper into your roster.
4* champs recharge fairly quickly - they become available again after two hours. So you actually score more points per round if you can do a few rounds, take a break, come back in two hours, and use those two PI champs again. Of course, if you only use your top three champs and wait for them to recharge, you will never get enough points, so it is a balancing act between using a lot of champs in a burst to get as much points as possible, and spreading out the effort over several days to maximize your points. Theoretically speaking, you could play arena 24 or more separate times over three days with time enough to recharge your 4* champs, which means if you do, say, five rounds at a time 24 times in a week, you would only need fifteen max rank 4* champs to get all the milestones in the Trials arena. Of course, no one is that crazy, but some more reasonable balance is a good idea.
Boosts also help, if you have them. I tend not to use them, mostly because I have a large enough roster to make them somewhat unnecessary. But if you have them and are trying to get as many milestones as possible, it is worth using them. I would use them only on my strongest champs though, if this is going to be a sustained effort.
One more thing: recoil masteries are great for the arena in general. Arena fights don't tend to last long, and if you consistently maintain a good arena streak without running into extremely tough teams, the recoil masteries can speed you up by anywhere from 15% to 35% or more. However, you have to decide if recoil masteries are something you can live with everywhere else, or if you are willing to spend the units to keep switching into and out of them. The way I think I am going to try to handle that is to run recoils by default, and only switch out of them when I absolutely have to for certain content, then switch back, to minimize mastery switching costs. For me specifically, the increased amount of units I will get from arena should more than pay for the mastery switching. But that's presuming I actually grind arena substantially to keep unit earning reasonably high.