Good lord what is this kindred fight?

This is way above the regular side quest difficulty.
First of all you have a new (very difficult) defender that most people aren’t familiar with yet.
On top of that, we have to deal with reversed controls and root!
Honestly I’d rather do winter of woe over this.
First of all you have a new (very difficult) defender that most people aren’t familiar with yet.
On top of that, we have to deal with reversed controls and root!
Honestly I’d rather do winter of woe over this.
There's nothing you can do about the root but play around it.
Sp1 is easy to avoid and punish while rooted ,for sp2 I'd recommend dashing back before the last medium so you can create distance and not get rooted cause there's a lot of block damage.
The best option I've found is Guillotine 2099, her regen can give you safety net during the root.
It is a regular kindred fight but with reverse controls. Just get used to reverse controls, cuz you need it in many places
As for the node yeah reversed controls is a stupid node and it shouldn't be in the game but even me who’s pretty bad at reversed controls easily solo’d the fight, i still don’t see what half the community seems to be complaining about, his specials aren’t hard to dex you don't get rooted if you aren’t near him, kindred isn't a difficult defender especially in side quest where you can bring a perfect counter and don't have to worry about health just throw a special when he gets to 5% he has an extremely low health pool and super slow specials that can easily be avoided, i really don't want to be that person but… skill issue
But I agree. He's a pain and definitely a step above normal SQ difficulty. At least we're free to retry the fight as many times as possible. I would have been mad if we would have had to defeat him on a non-refundable ticket each time.
SP3s being active is such a standard thing, it never occurred to me to check.
Being able to stop watching Power was helpful.
For me, Ultron was by far my best option. R4 6* was tricky, but do-able. Two solos and two revives, because when you've done ten fights in a row and the SOB is literally at 1HP, you just throw a 20% at it, because what the hell....
Seriously, though, there were easier EoP fights 😐
it took 2 sp2s, some fancy dancing at the end root, and a little over 5 minutes total for this
that said, i would imagine if you didn't have a bludgeon champ that offset the reverse controls, this does seem oddly tuned for week 2.
I don't even need the AG, i just didn't want to waste the 30 min boosts i popped.
Interesting times in the game.