What is the right choice in your opinion?

LewisTheLlamaLewisTheLlama Member Posts: 309 ★★★
I explored 8.4 and already have one R3 from Necropolis completion. I used the gem on Bishop. So naturally, the game gave me a mutant gem from 8.4. Not mystic, science or anything else that would’ve been a massive help but that’s the card I’ve unfortunately been dealt. Now my question is, is Valiant such a big upgrade that I just bite the bullet and use the gem on a champion I REALLY do not want to rank? My options are an Sig 20 Gambit, an Sig 20 Sauron, Colossus or Storm (Pyramid X). I know that these champions have okay damage at Rank 3, but most champions do at Rank 3, and this is why I feel it’s a waste. However, I have no T4A, about 300 units for Necropolis exploration and so no other way to obtain the Valiant title in the near future.

Some things to note:
~I am about 3000 Titan Shards away from another crystal, in which I could pull Onslaught or Dust, but these shards are so hard to come by as a FTP that this could still take a while.
~I want my main focus to be Battlegrounds, with the recent influx of R3s and copious amounts of R5, I’m really struggling to climb the ranks as my champions aren’t strong enough. I do worry that taking up one of these champions won’t really help this issue in the way that a R3 Hulk or R3 Werewolf would; I wish I got science or mystic :,)

What would you do?

What is the right choice in your opinion? 65 votes

Rank 3 Gambit
MasterSmokecaptain_rogers 2 votes
Rank 3 Sauron
MaratoxMackeyMarvelNoobMidi 4 votes
Rank 3 Colossus
AzKicker316IamnikeColinwhitworth69The_Doctor_24_16HAVOC6INC_6Josh2507MarouenWooptyfrickendooThe_0wenpustfdakota7GlocqueNacho98ThatboiCarl 13 votes
Rank 3 Storm (Pyramid X)
Talha305RajaBigTuna_2054CazGK_23TerrayosscaptaincushMigginslyOurobørosJChanceH9peixemacacomgj0630ItsClobberinTimeValkyrion99xLunatiXxDawsManTrek26FinalfurykErrangSuperstar_1126 34 votes
Wait until I pull somebody that I feel comfortable taking up, regardless of whether it’s for the title or not
RaganatorGyanemdjerPowerofpain1001Sceptilemaniac2AgenteMagnusQwerasdDab_westXFREEDOMXResternboy32Kingering_KingxKingbdHulk808 12 votes


  • FinalfurykFinalfuryk Member Posts: 408 ★★★
    Rank 3 Storm (Pyramid X)
    Of the champs you got, Storm has best damage and is your best option. Take her up and congrats on hitting valiant!
  • xLunatiXxxLunatiXx Member Posts: 1,493 ★★★★★
    Rank 3 Storm (Pyramid X)
    Storm X or colossus. Both x magica btw.
    Daily crystal and BG store are 200% worth it. With that said if you can get 3k titan this week I'd wait. If not pull the trigger
  • Rayven5220Rayven5220 Member Posts: 2,570 ★★★★★
    I would definitely go for it now with Storm X. Sauron is super cool and a champ I've always wanted, but there's no denying storm x is a killer.
  • A_FungiA_Fungi Member Posts: 1,029 ★★★★
    Rank 3 Storm (Pyramid X)

    I would definitely go for it now with Storm X. Sauron is super cool and a champ I've always wanted, but there's no denying storm x is a killer.

    You can have my duped one, he is arena fodder
  • ErrangErrang Member Posts: 112 ★★
    Rank 3 Storm (Pyramid X)
    Valiant is a huge upgrade from Paragon; what you’d lose in a desirable R3, you’ll make up for with more access to 6* R5/7* R2 materials.
  • Dab_westDab_west Member Posts: 178 ★★
    Wait until I pull somebody that I feel comfortable taking up, regardless of whether it’s for the title or not
    did u not pick the 7 star mutant crystal from the selector?
  • ErcarretErcarret Member Posts: 3,071 ★★★★★
    I would wait until Spring Cleaning (assuming it still comes this year). Unless Kabam has changed their mind about it, it should be just around the corner. Granted, 300 units are unlikely to buy you anything game-changing, but who knows?

    I'm in a similar situation and am holding off from ranking up a tech champ at the moment, but the difference is that I'm already Valiant. I would definitely recommend you take whatever steps you can to become that too as soon as possible. It really is a huge upgrade. Between the daily crystals and the Valiant BG store, you'll start racking in a lot more high-end resources once you become Valiant. Not r3 resources, mind you, but high-end nonetheless.
  • MoosetiptronicMoosetiptronic Member Posts: 2,166 ★★★★
    X or sauron for BGs. Don't wait.

    This is at least 60 daily valiant crystals you'd be missing from a two month wait.

    No idea of the paragon t6cc BG store cost, but it's 2.4k for 25% of one as a valiant, so it's roughly 20 t6cc from those alone too.

    I'd R3 anyone, to get valiant.

    Back in the day, I r3'd 6* white mags to get the title then (cav was it??), from my one abyss run and I said afterwards, that I would have ranked Cyclops or beast, to get it back then.

    The same applies now.
  • VaniteliaVanitelia Member Posts: 558 ★★★
    Storm X and Bishop have a nice synergy together too. I pulled a mystic gem and already had Wongerz at R3. I was fortunate and already had Ham and Shuri at r3, so I wasn't too fussed about it. Honestly, you'll get more benefit from getting to Valiant now. Before you know it, you'll have enough resources to get a third.
  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 11,782 ★★★★★
    Rank 3 Gambit
    R3 gambit would really end bg fights in a sp2. My r1 gambit does like 200k+ damage if both sp2 hit crits. Also he can completely cheese quests with 6* gambit relic
  • LewisTheLlamaLewisTheLlama Member Posts: 309 ★★★
    Sigh, worked my ass off for that Titan crystal only for it to be Thing. Of course 🙄 why are champions like this in the titan crystal again?

    I guess I will have to R3 one of these slightly better bums. RIP the Onslaught hope, a FTP should never dream <\3
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