9 years into this game, can Kabam at least make our pfps consistent?

Like seriously. Why can’t we even have a profile picture where we see the same things that others see?
Is it really that hard to code?

Is it really that hard to code?

This may happen when you use boosts, I think and your PI will be higher.
It's just weird that even something like what we see and others see has never been sorted out almost a decade into this game.
Would be nice to see only one consistent profile pic once and for all regardless of the reason why those champions on the profile picture are sorted that way.
The system determines which one is visible to all. Not based on masteries setup.
Really weird.
Others view:
My view:
It’s just sad they can’t sorry this out. I am sure they don’t need to hire someone from MIT to fix this.
What’s the point of selecting top champ as pfp when others see a different champ?
That just makes absolutely no sense at all, fr.
Viewers will see the PI unaffected by the poster's masteries.
I can try to understand if other players see things differently but if it’s on your account and you see different numbers is really unacceptable.
Shouldn’t my top champ now be Scorpion? And Wiccan isn’t even shown on the screen of other players.
Scorpion : 32204 vs 30555
Now I have technically 3 top champs- Wiccan, Scorp and Herc. From another’s viewpoint it’s Hercules.
Shouldn’t it be either Wiccan or Scorp? Lols
Big mistake 💀
Fps literally went all over the place,
Actually, I don’t think any active boosts affect the numbers shown looking at your Profile. (and don’t recall if any COMMON Boosts will affect numbers on your Champ Roster screen).
But evidently the new SAGA Boost does affect the numbers on Champ Roster, just not on Profile Page. As you can see that it is those particular Saga Champs whose numbers are in question on your latest pics.
Actually, just tested on mine.
Both my Profile *and* Roster screen showed SAME numbers for all Top-4.
2 of them are Saga, and the other 2 are not. All 4 show same on both screens.
Then I also applied a Basic ATTACK Boost, and all 4 (in BOTH screens) went up again with this Attack Boost (and still match on both screens, just higher that without the Attack Boost).
And didn’t seem to matter if I was inside a running Quest or not (just in case that mattered, but it didn’t).
So, don’t know why your latest 2 screenshots don’t match (with that Scorpion showing different numbers, and also why Aegon is not on Profile page).