Which champion needs most skill to get its 100% benifit

Yuvraj_267Yuvraj_267 Member Posts: 397

Which champion needs most skill to get its 100% benifit 162 votes

Yuvraj_267 1 vote
MagrailothosMoosetiptronicDiegog2000RiptideWasy1Potatoslice500westendbear 7 votes
Zeke_the_XbotzuffySIlverProfessorphillgreentnair2015kikiFurieuxpseudosanedfmoore26RockSlydeIKONIvarTheBonelessSagacious0wlPrentexAngusMac279KRANꓘpeixemacacocaptain_rogersPowerofpain1001Ewell65SSS69ItsClobberinTime 75 votes
Talha305RajaBigTuna_2054CazSupermanojNojokejaymRayhanIshaqueSw0rdMasterGodrohrBrokenCyborgNinja135Repto23HalleyUnobtainiumClawsLmaoanggafkJChanceH9ButtehrsCrumb3307WhoDaPooNanosama 54 votes
Absorbing man
ege999menAleorDenzel116LordSmasherpsp742ChrisRM93ThePredator1001CvlrSilentArisDenic_2580Kingering_Kingshield311AcidBurn404 13 votes
BluestoneRasiloverSavageBreaker69laserjohn26Pickle_tickleAyden_noah1SirGamesBondPriyabrataBrad366BringPopcornNemesis_17Nightheart 12 votes


  • SirGamesBondSirGamesBond Member Posts: 6,197 ★★★★★
    If you are constantly surviving cuz of his immortality, consider yourself unskilled and unpro
  • Yuvraj_267Yuvraj_267 Member Posts: 397

    Tf is scorp's on the list? I thought he was a "MM until sp2 then boom" kind of character.

    I also think same, well he is actually not hard to play champion but he needs perfect timing which i rarely encountered and there is only one fight where perfect timing happen all time. Well you have to charge heavy after sp2 until opponent dashing forward and use sp2.
  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 11,675 ★★★★★
    ahmynuts said:

    Tf is scorp's on the list? I thought he was a "MM until sp2 then boom" kind of character.

    Sometimes you throw in a MLM which can be kinda tricky for some folks
    I'm pretty sure abs is in the list for the same reason😔
  • PrentexPrentex Member Posts: 414 ★★
    I never really learned how to play Tigra effectively, but i guess i will have to soon enough for the carina challenge..not looking forward to it

    Honorable mentions in terms of skill:
    Prof X
    Kate Bishop
  • Yuvraj_267Yuvraj_267 Member Posts: 397

    Some Tigra fights are easy but to play her well everywhere you need to know the spacing for everyone’s special attack to heavy counter.

    For scorpion I don’t bother with the SP2 most of the time, just MM and spam SP1s and let the power stings do the work. Much less stressful and still very effective.

    Thx for alternative rotation
  • PT_99PT_99 Member Posts: 5,552 ★★★★★

    If you are constantly surviving cuz of his immortality, consider yourself unskilled and unpro

  • Rayven5220Rayven5220 Member Posts: 2,564 ★★★★★

    If you are constantly surviving cuz of his immortality, consider yourself unskilled and unpro

    Agreed. I used to use herc to Unga bunga smash and I decided to stop using him for this reason.
    I have by far gotten better at the game because of my decision to stop relying on him, and actually learn about other champs and node interactions.

    Now I despise Herc and only use him in incursions, and the odd time in war where if I mess up it could cost the whole alliance a win.
  • BringPopcornBringPopcorn Member Posts: 7,063 ★★★★★
  • NightheartNightheart Member Posts: 2,125 ★★★★
    Kate Bishop she does require lot of skill and practice but once you are perfect with her she can crush so many things
  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 11,675 ★★★★★

    ahmynuts said:

    Tf is scorp's on the list? I thought he was a "MM until sp2 then boom" kind of character.

    Sometimes you throw in a MLM which can be kinda tricky for some folks
    I'm pretty sure abs is in the list for the same reason😔
    Abs man is easy to use in ideal match ups but if you’re using him against killmonger for example, nothing is pausing your form so in order to maintain your form and ramp him up, you need to constantly light intercept and weave in heavy into sp attack without parrying.
    I light intercept everywhere except bgs. It's still risky for me. For champs like km we can play aggressive and launch sp1.
  • Jack2634Jack2634 Member Posts: 1,017 ★★★
    My personal vote is tigra. I can confidently say i can play the other champs close to their maximum potential (i can do quake and shake pretty well), but i failed doing so when playing tigra. Basically you have too remember all interactions, special animation, heavy animations, spacing, timing,.... yeah, i am just playing a game and i ain't doing all of those BS
  • PriyabrataPriyabrata Member Posts: 1,379 ★★★★★
    Kate Bishop .
    The only reason she hasn't been nerfed to the ground is because she has a very high skill requirement.
    Balancing the perfect releases, the buffs and refreshes is a herculean task in stressful matchups like necropolis.
  • EdisonLawEdisonLaw Member Posts: 9,653 ★★★★★
    Cross between Tigra and Quake. The rest are easy
  • Ayden_noah1Ayden_noah1 Member Posts: 2,133 ★★★★
    I would say Psycho-man. As @Darkraw346 can attest, in order to solo WOW with psycho-man you need some mad skills to achieve that feat. Also you need some mad skills to use Groot for any content past ACT 4 and also made patience since evey fight in ACT will feel like a Necropolis fight for Groot.
  • Darkraw346Darkraw346 Member Posts: 2,596 ★★★★★

    I would say Psycho-man. As @Darkraw346 can attest, in order to solo WOW with psycho-man you need some mad skills to achieve that feat. Also you need some mad skills to use Groot for any content past ACT 4 and also made patience since evey fight in ACT will feel like a Necropolis fight for Groot.

    Lol, eh, wouldn't say so... u need knowledge and timing
    Skill too ofc but not much of a champ specific skills in that case
  • DiscoNnectKingDiscoNnectKing Member Posts: 529 ★★★
    Just got her this month and r5 ascended sig200 her. It's definitely a learningcurve rollercoaster. Other than her i would say absorbing man cause of the light intercepts and heavy spacing
  • altavistaaltavista Member Posts: 1,614 ★★★★

    Some Tigra fights are easy but to play her well everywhere you need to know the spacing for everyone’s special attack to heavy counter.

    For scorpion I don’t bother with the SP2 most of the time, just MM and spam SP1s and let the power stings do the work. Much less stressful and still very effective.

    This is why Scorpion doesn’t even belong on this list. He can do all he needs to do without doing special intercepts, it just takes a little longer. I’ve even done SP2 without intercepting and it still takes off a decent chunk of health.

    Tigra is probably the hardest since we have to learn Spacing, Enemy AI special baiting, and the Specials of EVERY potential defender.

    I do think Absorbing Man is a close second, as we miss out on damage, immunities, and regen if we can’t get the Light intercepts going (additionally, defender AI can go passive and prevent us from maintaining our form)
  • NojokejaymNojokejaym Member Posts: 4,127 ★★★★★
    Tigra, quake and Prof X take skill to play, if you play them right you can crush so many fights without taking any damage.
  • SkyfawSkyfaw Member Posts: 215 ★★
    altavista said:

    Some Tigra fights are easy but to play her well everywhere you need to know the spacing for everyone’s special attack to heavy counter.

    For scorpion I don’t bother with the SP2 most of the time, just MM and spam SP1s and let the power stings do the work. Much less stressful and still very effective.

    This is why Scorpion doesn’t even belong on this list. He can do all he needs to do without doing special intercepts, it just takes a little longer. I’ve even done SP2 without intercepting and it still takes off a decent chunk of health.

    Tigra is probably the hardest since we have to learn Spacing, Enemy AI special baiting, and the Specials of EVERY potential defender.

    I do think Absorbing Man is a close second, as we miss out on damage, immunities, and regen if we can’t get the Light intercepts going (additionally, defender AI can go passive and prevent us from maintaining our form)
    The post does say to reach 100% benefit. Which you have to special intercept. Build up close 2 bars of power intercept with sp1 and then throw a sp2 with 20+ power stings and most things die in BGs.

    Or you could play him the way you say and throw 2-3 sp2 and burn 20-30 more seconds.
  • Potatoslice500Potatoslice500 Member Posts: 326 ★★
    I give Ghost the edge over Tigra. The best Ghost play is based on insane reflexes and timing, Tigra is more spacing and knowledge of different character attacks. I'm a master of neither.
  • PolygonPolygon Member Posts: 5,122 ★★★★★
    Skyfaw said:

    altavista said:

    Some Tigra fights are easy but to play her well everywhere you need to know the spacing for everyone’s special attack to heavy counter.

    For scorpion I don’t bother with the SP2 most of the time, just MM and spam SP1s and let the power stings do the work. Much less stressful and still very effective.

    This is why Scorpion doesn’t even belong on this list. He can do all he needs to do without doing special intercepts, it just takes a little longer. I’ve even done SP2 without intercepting and it still takes off a decent chunk of health.

    Tigra is probably the hardest since we have to learn Spacing, Enemy AI special baiting, and the Specials of EVERY potential defender.

    I do think Absorbing Man is a close second, as we miss out on damage, immunities, and regen if we can’t get the Light intercepts going (additionally, defender AI can go passive and prevent us from maintaining our form)
    The post does say to reach 100% benefit. Which you have to special intercept. Build up close 2 bars of power intercept with sp1 and then throw a sp2 with 20+ power stings and most things die in BGs.

    Or you could play him the way you say and throw 2-3 sp2 and burn 20-30 more seconds.
    So you hold heavy before both those specials ?
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