Has Sagas been a letdown?

I was really excited when they first announced it. But seems to be a let down so far barely anything has been done with it, was this intentional? I can’t find the initial forum post about it
And battlegrounds (which no one seems to be playing anymore)
The whole saga thing is irrelevant to most areas of the game
The runestones are ok as we can trade for 7 star shards at the end but waiting 3 months for a single 7 star at the current pace of the game was never a good idea.
The boost is pathetic and negligible to be honest, needs looking at.
I get and like the idea of an over-arching theme for multiple months but lets be real, Kabam have used the idea of the saga to be lazy with content for a few months.
Hopefully the next saga is better as a bad start will mean another 3 months of locked into lackluster content.
This is a shame as Kabam have been killing it in other areas recently. Winter of Woe and deathless champs have been fantastic...
That boost is doing close to nothing if I'm being honest and I'm not really after 7* Nightcrawler, I dropped out the moment they said we have to hit GC 3 times to get him , I'm happy with my high sig 6* since there's no hope for duping the 7* anyway.
I'm just going to exchange those runes for 7* Shard and skedaddle away
Sagas is meant to be a narrative and artistic wrapper that connects content across numerous areas of the game to create a more cohesive experience and spotlight specific champions. I think the execution has been right in line with all of this.
It's meant to provide additional content and additional rewards, which it has and will continue to do.
Sagas aren't meant to be disruptive, they're meant to add value for things that most Summoners are doing already and slightly adjust approaches to certain content.
Curious to know will there be "saga's alliance event" to connect it even more among alliance content
One of my favorite SQs in recent memory was the one where Steve had a sweet tooth and Mr. Fantastic brain blasted him because the narrative was so good. I couldn’t tell you what the rewards were, only remember the story. I’d love to get something that impactful again.
People have gotten carried away with expectations as long as I've been here.