Can someone please point me to the necro Exploration guides.

I swear bro the forums search is absolutely useless. Can someone link the necro Exploration guides that people posted on the forums?
I don't remember seeing forum post of Exploration guide yet, imagine it would be a long one.
Your best bet is to watch various YT live stream of these runs, I would recommend KT1, KarateMike and Brian Grant. A mix all of this would give you a pretty good idea.
KT1 also did a few videos break down of paths and counters worth watching.
Great one by @Milan1405
If you wanna go all in with aegon, refer this one by @MrSakuragi
This one is a very extensive path by path guide by @Grootman1294
I did that: Doom, Shuri, Bishop, Herc and Adam was my team.
Edit: sorry read too fast and got excited, thought this was for 8.4 not necro.