Is 7 star duped Thing really that bad?

AddictorAddictor Member Posts: 429 ★★★
edited April 2024 in General Discussion
Duped him from Titan, I mean I know ppl hate him right now. But is duped Thing still bad? I remember back in the day he was a good pull. I don’t know man. Is he worth r2 and good for defense?

Is 7 star duped Thing really that bad? 101 votes

Dupe Thing is decent for defense
Iv2777SIlverProfessorLeediman39yossbryce7mMagrailothosNesciobm3eppsThatGuyYouSaw235LmaoLiquidkoldKillSwitchOurobørosDeNeDieCASrinivasAngusMac279peixemacacoPowerofpain1001Kirito_kunRenaxqq 56 votes
He is ok, not a good defender anymore
Talha305RajaSecondSkrillerzuffyallinashesMasterduxDarkDrakeiusrcm2017Grootman1294Ben_15455ChrisRM93Da_MonstrousityJack2634CyrillFromTulaUltragamerSurfinwalrusThe_losttierPotatoslice500EdisonLawGalactikDonutBlahblahblahblah 20 votes
He needs mag sig to be good
KeltanTerraExHavokBrokenFydaneLogan00Aleoristwan17ItsClobberinTimeBeastDadAgent_Valentain689DarthMysticRussellHArmageddønMidiNacho98NightheartFentTester 18 votes
He is trash even duped
Berserker22captain_rogersMatty_IceLickyBirbmanMikes_momhomerbart 7 votes


  • NightheartNightheart Member Posts: 2,125 ★★★★
    edited April 2024
    He needs mag sig to be good
    He's good for defense yes but he's lot of fun on attack if you use him in caltrops path you will get 60 furies by just dashing back many times
  • psp742psp742 Member Posts: 2,713 ★★★★
    You probably know how Thing sig work.. max sig his rock stack the lower % damage taken from attacks when he has protection.. an awaken sig20 might not have the defensive capability of a 6* rank5 sig200 ascend champion.. but attack wise, a 7* rank2 might have more damage (stat focus dependent).
  • Emilia90Emilia90 Member Posts: 3,716 ★★★★★
  • PT_99PT_99 Member Posts: 5,561 ★★★★★
    Because sig200 is hard man
  • SecondSkrillerSecondSkriller Member Posts: 1,347 ★★★★★
    He is ok, not a good defender anymore
    He’s mainly a stall in bgs, so a r2 sig 20 would be good if the opponent doesn’t have Kate. What you should be focused on is his offense, he’s got an amazing kit and crazy synergies that make him top of the top.
  • The_Doctor_24_1The_Doctor_24_1 Member Posts: 215 ★★
    He's an awesome champion, I've been trying to get him without luck. Bleed, nullify and shock immunities. Awesome synergies with the Champion, Heimdall and Infamous Iron Man. Cheeses a lot of fights. Although I admit that the Max Signature makes him an extraordinary and annoying defender, but on the flip side that Sp3 Pavement Burrito it's just perfect 🤌 Chef's Kiss
  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 11,681 ★★★★★
    He is trash even duped
    Let's be real, even a max sig thing ain't that hard to fight. Even my grandpa can fight thing. He isn't as good as he used to be.

    Science class is busted there are various other champs I would invest on. Even as 7*s, mr negative, ham, spot, photon, spiderman, spidergwen morbius and overseer are better defenders than a low sig Thing. And all of them hit hard than thing.
  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 11,681 ★★★★★
    He is trash even duped
    Not to mention we have quicksilver now as well as Punk who are more annoying than Thing as well.
  • ItsClobberinTimeItsClobberinTime Member Posts: 5,465 ★★★★★
    He needs mag sig to be good

    He's an awesome champion, I've been trying to get him without luck. Bleed, nullify and shock immunities. Awesome synergies with the Champion, Heimdall and Infamous Iron Man. Cheeses a lot of fights. Although I admit that the Max Signature makes him an extraordinary and annoying defender, but on the flip side that Sp3 Pavement Burrito it's just perfect 🤌 Chef's Kiss

    Appreciate all that positivity but as the owner of a sig 40 Thing, he's really not all that lol.
  • ItsClobberinTimeItsClobberinTime Member Posts: 5,465 ★★★★★
    He needs mag sig to be good

    Let's be real, even a max sig thing ain't that hard to fight. Even my grandpa can fight thing. He isn't as good as he used to be.

    Science class is busted there are various other champs I would invest on. Even as 7*s, mr negative, ham, spot, photon, spiderman, spidergwen morbius and overseer are better defenders than a low sig Thing. And all of them hit hard than thing.

    Low sig is garbage but I gotta disagree here with you, a max sig one is a guaranteed timeout regardless of how good you are simply because the protection makes it impossible for you to deal any meaningful amount of damage without a proper counter.
    You could make an argument for Ham and Photon for sure but the rest are not better than a max sig Thing on defense, not even close. Thing can be a guaranteed win if they don't have a counter, the others can't, they don't even need counters.
  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 11,681 ★★★★★
    He is trash even duped

    Let's be real, even a max sig thing ain't that hard to fight. Even my grandpa can fight thing. He isn't as good as he used to be.

    Science class is busted there are various other champs I would invest on. Even as 7*s, mr negative, ham, spot, photon, spiderman, spidergwen morbius and overseer are better defenders than a low sig Thing. And all of them hit hard than thing.

    Low sig is garbage but I gotta disagree here with you, a max sig one is a guaranteed timeout regardless of how good you are simply because the protection makes it impossible for you to deal any meaningful amount of damage without a proper counter.
    You could make an argument for Ham and Photon for sure but the rest are not better than a max sig Thing on defense, not even close. Thing can be a guaranteed win if they don't have a counter, the others can't, they don't even need counters.
    Yeah read that again, the champs I mentioned are better than "Low sig Thing".
    Obviously max sig is annoying defender, but still has a lot of counters who beat him fairly easily. He is no way a champ anyone would invest sigs on, unless one is "Super-Frustated", haha.
  • ItsClobberinTimeItsClobberinTime Member Posts: 5,465 ★★★★★
    He needs mag sig to be good

    Let's be real, even a max sig thing ain't that hard to fight. Even my grandpa can fight thing. He isn't as good as he used to be.

    Science class is busted there are various other champs I would invest on. Even as 7*s, mr negative, ham, spot, photon, spiderman, spidergwen morbius and overseer are better defenders than a low sig Thing. And all of them hit hard than thing.

    Low sig is garbage but I gotta disagree here with you, a max sig one is a guaranteed timeout regardless of how good you are simply because the protection makes it impossible for you to deal any meaningful amount of damage without a proper counter.
    You could make an argument for Ham and Photon for sure but the rest are not better than a max sig Thing on defense, not even close. Thing can be a guaranteed win if they don't have a counter, the others can't, they don't even need counters.
    Yeah read that again, the champs I mentioned are better than "Low sig Thing".
    Obviously max sig is annoying defender, but still has a lot of counters who beat him fairly easily. He is no way a champ anyone would invest sigs on, unless one is "Super-Frustated", haha.
    Every defender in the game has counters that beat them fairly easily, that doesn't change the fact that you can trap someone with them which is where most of their defensive value comes from. Iceman is garbage when they draft a counter, if they don't 30% of their health is gone. I wouldn't expect you to understand any of this though seeing how you still don't know how to fight Onslaught after all the tips I've given you haha.

    Anyways, you said "even a max sig thing ain't that hard to fight", which to a certain extent is true playing around his rock stacks is fairly easy, this however doesn't mean he's a trash defender because you will timeout without a counter regardless of how easy he is to fight.
    As for your edgy comment, the question here wasn't should I invest sigs, the question was is he good? Which he is at max sig, maybe not top 10 defenders in the game but definitely worth having in your deck.
  • Emilia90Emilia90 Member Posts: 3,716 ★★★★★

    Let's be real, even a max sig thing ain't that hard to fight. Even my grandpa can fight thing. He isn't as good as he used to be.

    Science class is busted there are various other champs I would invest on. Even as 7*s, mr negative, ham, spot, photon, spiderman, spidergwen morbius and overseer are better defenders than a low sig Thing. And all of them hit hard than thing.

    Low sig is garbage but I gotta disagree here with you, a max sig one is a guaranteed timeout regardless of how good you are simply because the protection makes it impossible for you to deal any meaningful amount of damage without a proper counter.
    You could make an argument for Ham and Photon for sure but the rest are not better than a max sig Thing on defense, not even close. Thing can be a guaranteed win if they don't have a counter, the others can't, they don't even need counters.
    Yeah read that again, the champs I mentioned are better than "Low sig Thing".
    Obviously max sig is annoying defender, but still has a lot of counters who beat him fairly easily. He is no way a champ anyone would invest sigs on, unless one is "Super-Frustated", haha.
    Every defender in the game has counters that beat them fairly easily, that doesn't change the fact that you can trap someone with them which is where most of their defensive value comes from. Iceman is garbage when they draft a counter, if they don't 30% of their health is gone. I wouldn't expect you to understand any of this though seeing how you still don't know how to fight Onslaught after all the tips I've given you haha.

    Anyways, you said "even a max sig thing ain't that hard to fight", which to a certain extent is true playing around his rock stacks is fairly easy, this however doesn't mean he's a trash defender because you will timeout without a counter regardless of how easy he is to fight.
    As for your edgy comment, the question here wasn't should I invest sigs, the question was is he good? Which he is at max sig, maybe not top 10 defenders in the game but definitely worth having in your deck.
    The shade in this had me giggling ngl
  • Rayven5220Rayven5220 Member Posts: 2,564 ★★★★★
    Definitely not terrible, but low sig is near useless.

    I would rather face a r2, even a r3 low sig than a maxed out 6*.
  • ItsClobberinTimeItsClobberinTime Member Posts: 5,465 ★★★★★
    He needs mag sig to be good
    Emilia90 said:

    Let's be real, even a max sig thing ain't that hard to fight. Even my grandpa can fight thing. He isn't as good as he used to be.

    Science class is busted there are various other champs I would invest on. Even as 7*s, mr negative, ham, spot, photon, spiderman, spidergwen morbius and overseer are better defenders than a low sig Thing. And all of them hit hard than thing.

    Low sig is garbage but I gotta disagree here with you, a max sig one is a guaranteed timeout regardless of how good you are simply because the protection makes it impossible for you to deal any meaningful amount of damage without a proper counter.
    You could make an argument for Ham and Photon for sure but the rest are not better than a max sig Thing on defense, not even close. Thing can be a guaranteed win if they don't have a counter, the others can't, they don't even need counters.
    Yeah read that again, the champs I mentioned are better than "Low sig Thing".
    Obviously max sig is annoying defender, but still has a lot of counters who beat him fairly easily. He is no way a champ anyone would invest sigs on, unless one is "Super-Frustated", haha.
    Every defender in the game has counters that beat them fairly easily, that doesn't change the fact that you can trap someone with them which is where most of their defensive value comes from. Iceman is garbage when they draft a counter, if they don't 30% of their health is gone. I wouldn't expect you to understand any of this though seeing how you still don't know how to fight Onslaught after all the tips I've given you haha.

    Anyways, you said "even a max sig thing ain't that hard to fight", which to a certain extent is true playing around his rock stacks is fairly easy, this however doesn't mean he's a trash defender because you will timeout without a counter regardless of how easy he is to fight.
    As for your edgy comment, the question here wasn't should I invest sigs, the question was is he good? Which he is at max sig, maybe not top 10 defenders in the game but definitely worth having in your deck.
    The shade in this had me giggling ngl
    He chose violence first and it was a low blow lol I had to clap back. I'm glad our interaction made someone laugh though 🙃
  • EdisonLawEdisonLaw Member Posts: 9,654 ★★★★★
    edited April 2024
    He is ok, not a good defender anymore
    I don't think he's that good of a defender anymore, like so many counters to unstoppable nowadays. Also needs max sig for defense so the 6 star version is better

    But on attack he's not that bad, decent immunities, survivability and ok ramp up
  • ThatGuyYouSaw235ThatGuyYouSaw235 Member Posts: 3,440 ★★★★★
    Dupe Thing is decent for defense
    please keep putting thing in your BG deck, my r3 falcon loves 20 sec kills
  • ItsClobberinTimeItsClobberinTime Member Posts: 5,465 ★★★★★
    He needs mag sig to be good

    please keep putting thing in your BG deck, my r3 falcon loves 20 sec kills

    Wonder what happens when you don't draft Falcon or any counters lmao
  • Rayven5220Rayven5220 Member Posts: 2,564 ★★★★★

    please keep putting thing in your BG deck, my r3 falcon loves 20 sec kills

    What a flex.... you realize that's not a flex right?
    That's as ridiculous as me saying "keep putting R3 photon in your deck, my zemo loves 30 second kills.

    Give your head a shake dude.
  • ItsClobberinTimeItsClobberinTime Member Posts: 5,465 ★★★★★
    He needs mag sig to be good

    please keep putting thing in your BG deck, my r3 falcon loves 20 sec kills

    What a flex.... you realize that's not a flex right?
    That's as ridiculous as me saying "keep putting R3 photon in your deck, my zemo loves 30 second kills.

    Give your head a shake dude.
    Exactly, I know I made jokes about the double Thing pull and him being trash at low sig (which he is) but people saying even max sig is trash cause there are counters is just so dumb to me. Every champ in the game has counters, by that logic every single defender in the game is garbage.
  • ThatGuyYouSaw235ThatGuyYouSaw235 Member Posts: 3,440 ★★★★★
    Dupe Thing is decent for defense

    please keep putting thing in your BG deck, my r3 falcon loves 20 sec kills

    What a flex.... you realize that's not a flex right?
    That's as ridiculous as me saying "keep putting R3 photon in your deck, my zemo loves 30 second kills.

    Give your head a shake dude.
    mate im not flexing im just having a laugh, sorry if it came off otherwise
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