Is 7 star duped Thing really that bad?

Duped him from Titan, I mean I know ppl hate him right now. But is duped Thing still bad? I remember back in the day he was a good pull. I don’t know man. Is he worth r2 and good for defense?
Is 7 star duped Thing really that bad? 101 votes
Sig 40 Thing owner here, mine gets clapped even by Hulklings in 45 secs. He is no good without max sig, the protection is very weak.
Science class is busted there are various other champs I would invest on. Even as 7*s, mr negative, ham, spot, photon, spiderman, spidergwen morbius and overseer are better defenders than a low sig Thing. And all of them hit hard than thing.
You could make an argument for Ham and Photon for sure but the rest are not better than a max sig Thing on defense, not even close. Thing can be a guaranteed win if they don't have a counter, the others can't, they don't even need counters.
Obviously max sig is annoying defender, but still has a lot of counters who beat him fairly easily. He is no way a champ anyone would invest sigs on, unless one is "Super-Frustated", haha.
Anyways, you said "even a max sig thing ain't that hard to fight", which to a certain extent is true playing around his rock stacks is fairly easy, this however doesn't mean he's a trash defender because you will timeout without a counter regardless of how easy he is to fight.
As for your edgy comment, the question here wasn't should I invest sigs, the question was is he good? Which he is at max sig, maybe not top 10 defenders in the game but definitely worth having in your deck.
I would rather face a r2, even a r3 low sig than a maxed out 6*.
But on attack he's not that bad, decent immunities, survivability and ok ramp up
That's as ridiculous as me saying "keep putting R3 photon in your deck, my zemo loves 30 second kills.
Give your head a shake dude.