Pawn Keys Glitch

not a severe glitch however it may cause some negative effects if not brought up regardless maybe..
The keys for threat 2 in the new event have twice shown up on paths already finished which from what I've seen isn't supposed to happen.. even if this doesn't affect anything I still wanted to bring it up just in case something so small can cause something so big in effect.. I'm just better safe than sorry.. this has happened to me twice..
The keys for threat 2 in the new event have twice shown up on paths already finished which from what I've seen isn't supposed to happen.. even if this doesn't affect anything I still wanted to bring it up just in case something so small can cause something so big in effect.. I'm just better safe than sorry.. this has happened to me twice..

If you actually enter the quest, they will NOT be there.
That may be one of the reasons they handed out extra keys during the 2nd week (?) In case you accidentally used one when you shouldn’t have done it an extra time
fair enough..thanks for the advice on the matter