Who is the best champ in 7* Omega crystals?

MrNonameMrNoname Member Posts: 23

Best champ from the poll to use, to level to r3 to awake and to put 100+ sigs on?

I mean if you clear all milestones, you can choose any champ from the polls, awake him or her and invest at least 100 sigs on him or her and bring this champ to rank3.

I probably play Corvus the most but I’m unsure whether rank3 can hold his place now. Without charge he maybe useless in BG even at r 3 too.

You can put Omega red to at least 100+ sigs but I usually don’t play suicide mastery.

Not really play much with the rest and I don’t like Quicksilver style.

Who is the best champ in 7* Omega crystals? 208 votes

Omega Sentinel
TheBaldAvengerBendyDisbanded_pensMpd1Spity68Capt_MegasauceTerraProxMorbidCuriosityUncle_Fatty_247hydrogohardHaverTimeUnobtainiumClawsJChanceH9captain_rogersValkyrion99ahmynutsDeepworldILoveDrDoomLBN1 35 votes
Omega Red
MasterSmokezuffyBigTuna_2054GK_23arsjumThatGuyYouSaw235MorghaxorEragonFighterLPtheArtist_666LiquidkoldMoosetiptronicGyanemdjerdoctorbjcphillips7HassamaMamaRenaxqqBhanu_3000Yodabolt21Nathxp21 29 votes
Mole Man
PantherusNZBigPoppaCBONESnakeEyes69TensioallinashesyossSungjMike3034GodrohrBrokenZsirhcZKisHinKocktradeTJ107laserjohn26pontusumbraAyden_noah1KRANꓘKingsKrewPowerofpain1001 56 votes
SecondSkrillerbuffajrNescioWinter_souljasxlbstverliebtSpadeHunterToyota_2015Irysealdenchan2011spidyjedi84Marvelfan30DarthMysticManbatnFridgeBlahblahblahblahGusAr418 16 votes
DrZolaTalha305RajaSIlverProfessorcaptaincushNojokejaymHilldarHerbal_TaxmanFunkrcm2017RockSlydeSachhyam257AleorJustcause102UsagicassidyxLunatiXxAomine_Daiki10Doctor_Strange19The_Commish123udyedagainShenk 47 votes
Corvus Glaive
Maverick75Monk1dzikidzikchimichanga2108LordSmasherJpm14istwan17Deadpoolmercs88Batman_bruce31JinxEternityWOLF_LINKForsaken15Wolviman1Red_Lightning02SchnoodleDanish0528FunnyDudeQwerasdCvlrAsyalol 25 votes


  • Cloudddey_broCloudddey_bro Member Posts: 447 ★★★
    If you run suicides, Omega no question. But since I don’t and probably never will, Longshot for me
  • SecondSkrillerSecondSkriller Member Posts: 1,347 ★★★★★
    Quicksilver and Longshot. Would really love a Quicksilver myself.
  • Emilia90Emilia90 Member Posts: 3,720 ★★★★★
    I’d take LS to rank 3. I don’t think he needs the sigs, but he’s fantastic. Definitely the mystic I wanted most as a 7* along with Hood
  • UltragamerUltragamer Member Posts: 605 ★★★
    Omega Red
    I’d take Corvus or omega
  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 11,829 ★★★★★
    Omega Sentinel
    Highly biased here.

    Tech champ is too weak in 7* roster compared to other classes. Omega sentinel would be a great duel threat and a utility monster. I wonder how warlock win the poll over her. She has a lot in her kit, and she would be a great dust counter as well.

  • jcphillips7jcphillips7 Member Posts: 1,496 ★★★★
    edited May 2024
    Omega Red
    Ideally, my plan is to hopefully get Omega twice, then choose him from the selector to get 20 more sigs, then pump all the stones you get and all the stones I currently have to get him to sig level 180-200ish.

    If I also got Corvus, I'd use the gem on him since he only needs the awakening, then use my cosmic 2-3 gem.

    If that doesn't pan out for me, I'll probably still take up Corvus and awaken him, then take Mole Man to r3 since I need a dual purpose skill r3 still. Longshot would be a solid option as well, but I already have Chavez and just took up Werewolf to r3 as well, so I don't really need another mystic.

    No real desire for OS or QS at all.

    EDIT: I also think NEEDING suicides on is a misconception about Omega Red
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  • BendyBendy Member Posts: 8,800 ★★★★★
    Omega Sentinel
    Emilia90 said:

    Ideally, my plan is to hopefully get Omega twice, then choose him from the selector to get 20 more sigs, then pump all the stones you get and all the stones I currently have to get him to sig level 180-200ish.

    If I also got Corvus, I'd use the gem on him since he only needs the awakening, then use my cosmic 2-3 gem.

    If that doesn't pan out for me, I'll probably still take up Corvus and awaken him, then take Mole Man to r3 since I need a dual purpose skill r3 still. Longshot would be a solid option as well, but I already have Chavez and just took up Werewolf to r3 as well, so I don't really need another mystic.

    No real desire for OS or QS at all.

    EDIT: I also think NEEDING suicides on is a misconception about Omega Red

    The sinister relic is nice on him. I hate how relic functionality is sometimes though. Your spores fall off when you throw it on attack, but if you’re fighting him, I believe they stay on and continue to increase lol
    Yeah thats the odd thing about that and it should function the same way i feel like either if thats falling off or gaining
  • SquammoSquammo Member Posts: 616 ★★★
    Since I definitely won’t be spending 36900 units and have both Moleman and omega ascended I’m hoping most for longshot. I will make up my opinion on Corvus once someone gets to test him out.
  • EdisonLawEdisonLaw Member Posts: 9,709 ★★★★★
    edited May 2024
    Longshot for me. 7 star Omega is too much investment for now.
  • Wolf911Wolf911 Member Posts: 879 ★★★★
    Mole Man
    MoleGod or Longshot for me

    I think we will see re-emergence of Moleman with 7* release like venom

    Longshot will be a very good pull and r3 will be scary
  • OakenshieldOakenshield Member Posts: 2,557 ★★★★★
    None of the champs are really transformational for my roster, so don’t think I’m going to be going particularly hard at this event - going to save my units for July 4th. That said, if there are some really compelling cash offers or if the Valiant crystals are really good (and it would have to be a big improvement from the Banquet ones) then I might do enough to get at least one of the 7* champs.

    For me, any of the non Omega champs would be fine. Longshot would be my first choice given I’m still a bit light on my Mystic attackers and given his synergy with Domino (who I have at R3). Would be fun to play around with that. Probably Moledemi-god next then Corvus/Quicksilver. Hoping that Corvus scales enough to deal with BG health pools at least - it would be fun to get back to playing him. He was my first 4* and got me through a lot of content early on.
  • MorghaxorMorghaxor Member Posts: 43
    Omega Red
    If I have a Sig 20 Longshot and Sig 20 Omega Sentinel, whom should I choose from the selector?
    I'm leaning towards Omega Red because Moleman does not to be awakened so the gem and Sig stones would sit useless in inventory
  • MorghaxorMorghaxor Member Posts: 43
    Omega Red
    Still haven't decided but leaning MM...

    I think I'd rather not fight a MM in BG then OR... A robot completely shuts him down and MM seems just more useful on offence and defence...
    I just don't like storing the Awakening gem and stones :⁠-⁠\

    Maybe I'll distribute the stones between longshot and Omega Sentinel?

    (Because I'm sure as hell not giving an awakening gem to MoleMan)
  • IryseIryse Member Posts: 500 ★★★
    Quickie or Long.. Awakening not needed like others
  • Kingering_KingKingering_King Member Posts: 1,416 ★★★
    Corvus Glaive
    Corvus is raw damage
  • Cap_MuricaCap_Murica Member Posts: 569 ★★★
    I am so confused on who to rank up.....
  • MrNonameMrNoname Member Posts: 23
    So now i have corvus+20sig omegared omegasentinel and moleman. Plan to choose longshot over quicksilver from lastmilestones.

    The problem is how i should use awaken and sig100? So confusing too.

    Only one who really need it is Omegared but i really dont plan to use him unless i put all sig on him and bring him to rank3.

    I would like to have r3 Corvus and may bring longshot to r3 later. Moleman and Omegasen also gonna be r2 but i dont think it even worth bring undup or low sig omegared to r2.

  • DeathsworkerDeathsworker Member Posts: 200 ★★

  • MrNonameMrNoname Member Posts: 23
    So now the questions are who should I awake between longshot and moleman? Who should I put 100 sig in? Not sure I should put 100 sigs on Omega when I didn’t run recoil masteries and I don’t plan to put him to rank3 for now.

    I plan to rank3 Corvus and the rest later will be rank2 for now. Unfortunately, no quicksilver for me but I did get 2 cosmic gods I don’t have.

    All dups are sig20

  • Wolf911Wolf911 Member Posts: 879 ★★★★
    Mole Man
    MrNoname said:

    So now the questions are who should I awake between longshot and moleman? Who should I put 100 sig in? Not sure I should put 100 sigs on Omega when I didn’t run recoil masteries and I don’t plan to put him to rank3 for now.

    I plan to rank3 Corvus and the rest later will be rank2 for now. Unfortunately, no quicksilver for me but I did get 2 cosmic gods I don’t have.

    All dups are sig20

    Awaken Longshot

    moleman doesn't need the dupe

    sig up omega red
  • JChanceH9JChanceH9 Member Posts: 852 ★★★
    edited May 2024
    Omega Sentinel
    Wanted Moleman; got Corvus and Omega, both duped.

    I did take the zone 25 incursions boss in 24 hits with Corvus at r3 though. 1.8m damage.

  • FunnyDudeFunnyDude Member Posts: 592 ★★★★
    Corvus Glaive
    AW: Corvus, OR, Mole
    BG: Longshot, Mole
    PI: QS
    Robot lady lover: Omega S
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