How can I set auto placements for AW Defense on different difficulty maps?

BrightfireHDBrightfireHD Member Posts: 83
In current v44.0 release notes, Kabam announced that “Alliance leadership is also now able to toggle between automatic or manual placement for Defense on Maps above/below your current difficulty.”

But I can’t find the toggle option anywhere in the game. Please help if anyone knows how to do it. Thank you in advance.


  • BrightfireHDBrightfireHD Member Posts: 83
    It seems no players know about it.
    @Kabam Miike @Kabam Jax, Can you please tell us if this feature has already been implemented in the game or not?
  • SummonerNRSummonerNR Member, Guardian Posts: 13,963 Guardian
    This was in last month's change notes, but then Jax (or Miike) replied saying they hadn’t realized that part was included in the change notes.
    It wasn’t meant to be in April (maybe just an advance heads-up of something to come)

    Not sure if it gets included with upcoming May's update or not.

    But note, the one addition (besides Defense Mastery) that *was* included at some point in April (the redesigned AW Enrollment Tab), which is what apparently then broke AW screen loading time, Auto-Play, and Back button.
    So hopefully it gets more testing before release.

    ** already gonna be a lot of “why is my defense all blank” complaints afterward once this goes live, so maybe better AFTER the new season ends. (although the “automatic bumping up/down into +/- Tier Maps” portion should be seamless to add earlier)

    Alliance War Updates

    Updates to the Alliance War Persistent Placement Phase are coming! These improvements address friction points for Alliances that typically run less than three Battlegroups. Alliance leadership can now opt in or out of auto-clearing Defense placements for specified Battlegroups at the end of a War or remove individual placements from Battlegroups instead of relying on members to remove themselves. Alliance leadership is also now able to toggle between automatic or manual placement for Defense on Maps above/below your current difficulty.
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