Why isn't Negasonic incinerate immune?

I was playing around using Sunspot and noticed she's taking incinerate damage. How? I know this a game and not everything will be logical or make sense, but Negasonic's DNA is a chamber of fire. She combusts. She should be incinerate immune. If Kitty Pride can be incinerate immune simply because she has a dragon *like she's Daenerys Targaryen or something 🙄*, shouldn't someone who projects fire out of their whole body be?? It's not even listed as an immunity in her profile.
Maybe it's a slight oversight and will be fixed.
That would be great!
Synergy - incinerate immunity applies to all.
Take incineration. The game uses incineration typed damage and attacks to represent fire, laser beams, plasma energy - all kinds of things that behave in completely different ways in the real world. But they are all "incinerate" to make things simple for both the game players and the game designers. Bleed is another example. In the game bleed is associated with breaking the outer skin and causing blood to leak out of the body, like champions were water balloons. In reality, people can bleed to death all the time without their skin being broken or punctured in any way. When King Groot hits you with one of his tree trunk arms, the most likely result is death from massive internal bleeding, but King Groot does not deal bleed damage.
This isn't some weird limitation of the game, the game would be almost unplayable for most people if it actually tried and succeeded to differentiate all of these real world interactions. In a fighting game with attacks that come from everything from bullets to cosmic energy beams to interdimensional radiation, both consistency and realism have practical limits.
Negasonic's abillities revolve around "absorbing and manipulating radioactive energy." The phrase "radioactive energy" has no real meaning outside of comic book physics, so claiming that it should be "common sense" that she would be immune to incineration damage has no foundation.