Kabam web store took down bundle 11 hours early

I went to purchase 2 omega crystals bundles at 3am this morning and they were no longer available. I've been watching the timer for days waiting for my direct deposit from work. The timer had it til 2pm on Wednesday, at 3am they were gone...11 HOURS EARLY. This took 44 crystals and 44 points away from Alpha route. That's equal to t2 prime dust and 7 star champ. The only way to recomp was to use units. Instead of $100 for 2 bundles I had to buy $200 in units. This looks like it happened on purpose, all week nothing changed. I bought the last 2 $50 bundles from unit store and all of a sudden the web store does that. Not kosher at all
Go play the game.
Although I believe the webstore and in-game store share purchase limits for some bundles. You say you exhausted your in-game store purchases, so they may have been removed from your webstore as a result.
So if OP bought them ingame, it’s correct and intended that they disappeared in the Webstore. NO BUG