Please be aware, there is a known issue with Saga badging when observing the AW map.
The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

Is this AI rigged?

Toproller89Toproller89 Posts: 637 ★★★
Is this meant to happen, or have I missed something about the nodes?

For those who cbf watching, Spring of Sorrow Iron fist Gets smashed by first hit of Things sp2 but blocks next one


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    PantherusNZPantherusNZ Posts: 1,717 ★★★★
    Hard to explain without a video, and it's entirely possible that it's a bug, but no it's not "rigged"
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    Toproller89Toproller89 Posts: 637 ★★★

    Hard to explain without a video, and it's entirely possible that it's a bug, but no it's not "rigged"

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    Toproller89Toproller89 Posts: 637 ★★★
    Got it to appear finally
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    Toproller89Toproller89 Posts: 637 ★★★
    Actually I think it was my heavy attack 1st hit that connected and I just mistimed the sp2 haha.
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    PantherusNZPantherusNZ Posts: 1,717 ★★★★

    Actually I think it was my heavy attack 1st hit that connected and I just mistimed the sp2 haha.

    That's exactly what happened, you were a split second late on the SP2 after the heavy.
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    Toproller89Toproller89 Posts: 637 ★★★
    I'll chalk it up to "skill issue" sorry guys.
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    PikoluPikolu Posts: 7,021 Guardian

    I'll chalk it up to "skill issue" sorry guys.

    Huge congrats for owning up to it
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