Promo Parade

Just thought of this 2 seconds ago but since promo codes are now a thing, this is were the mcoc community can come together and post all the new promo codes when they come out, report promo code bugs, and complain about unfair promo codes or promo codes that didn’t give them good rewards. Have fun!
Edit: ok I didn’t realize they were streaming rn this makes more sense now
You’re not gonna want to wade thru pages of prior complaint (like last time) before getting to new codes issued in future weeks/months.
Upon trying to log in.
JORGEWINS (all caps).
💀Kabam opened the revive flood gates 💀
Also, page might look like it's logged in, and done loading, but still see things like Weekly Crystal showing it's generic form (not your specific of how much time left to claim again).
In that case, hit REFRESH on browser AGAIN (should still keep status of knowing you have logged in), then when Weekly crystal looks correct, you can then go to Promo Code and enter it.
So no more “was sleeping/working/eating” and couldn’t watch it, or login within 30 minutes” like last time ?
Sounds good.
And while, yes, you would NOT have known in advance that the code would be good for 24 hours, consider it a nice surprise that when you did come look for it that it was still good (all day long).
Only good for 24 hours once they are announced.