Which 7* science to take to rank 2?

kimotakimota Member Posts: 56
I have enough resources to take a 7* science to rank 2. My best options are below, all unawakened unfortunately.

Are any of these worth taking to rank 2?

Which 7* science to take to rank 2? 19 votes

Luke Cage
Spity68SecondSkrillerJustcause102Anbeicaptain_rogers 5 votes
TerraMasterduxGiantwalrus56FrostGiantLordManbatnJoneenyoHidereYuvraj_267 8 votes
SFRANZ3Ewell65SSS69Ben_15455Zoolander29IndianGamer3DIETY 6 votes


  • Yuvraj_267Yuvraj_267 Member Posts: 389
    As far as i know about overseer, unawakened overseer is better than unawakened spot, i dpn't think that luke cage becomes better than these two even after buff. But somehow your spot is awakened, then pushed him to r2.
  • Talha305RajaTalha305Raja Member Posts: 79
    I'd hold or take a 6* to r5 if these are your only options
  • kimotakimota Member Posts: 56
    yeah, i love spot's damage potential when awakened. i don't use overseer as much and am not as familiar with him. i do like luke cage's simple play style. none of the choices are no-brainers.
    i do have a 6* red guardian that is a r5 rank up option.
  • SecondSkrillerSecondSkriller Member Posts: 1,314 ★★★★★
    Luke Cage
    Stop sleeping on Luke Cage…
  • FrostGiantLordFrostGiantLord Member Posts: 1,954 ★★★★
    Spot is an absolute nuke when awakened, but Overseer just has much more utility overall, and is useful in a variety of matchups. Rank up Spot if you want an insane BGs champ (or an instaban), but rank up Overseer for more utility in general
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