What is the Highest Saga Incursion Room you have Reached?

I've pretty much concluded that I won't be getting all the runestones because I can't get past room 13. Keen to know how many others are in the same boat as me
What is the Highest Saga Incursion Room you have Reached? 177 votes
Ironically I tried to get rid of the odin buffs from bullseye to stop the sprite, maybe take him out with draining degen but the bug that makes you keep the persistent charges and health was active back then so I couldn't really do anything
Pretty proud of it I'd say.
Went in again got to about zone 5 before I got sick of it and backed out.
I really am not a fan of incursions so haven't given it a serious go yet, but will likely give it a serious try sometime soon to see how far I can push myself.
Wouldn't mind the t4a and the 4-5 gem, but not gonna spend a boatload of units to get them either.
I do agree that Bullseye is super overrated for incursions though as in the later rounds the block damage is just too rough for him. Plus all the bleed nodes you sign up for