Don’t sleep on her

So I decided to attempt my 4th incursions run today for the NC stones and it went surprisingly well. I first brought in Kate, Sersi, and Kushala, but I ended up swapping Kate for Odin for the pre-fights, then swapping Odin out for Domino. Sersi is amazing for this and I haven’t seen many people mention her, so this post will be my “sersi is super underrated” post for the day.
The important hacks that made this possible:
Buff Corn
Draining degen
Increased stun
+ crit rating
+ crit damage
Martial artist
Passive Unstoppable after a special attack
Special refund
Firstly, let me do some domino glazing here. With martial artist + crit hacks, she’s demolishing everything in high sectors and she perfect blocks a lot so she’s incredibly sustainable. I’d say that I’m definitely glad that I brought her over Kate and she saved me in the last zone
Kushala was invaluable too. With similar dot boosting hacks and special refund, she was nuking through a ton (especially biohazard and freezer burn) and she regens so much in block. If you get regen boosting hacks she’ll be topped up for the higher sectors too. Couldn’t recommend her enough for this
The MVP of this run was the queen Sersi. I can’t stress enough how godly she was for this entire run, and I definitely couldn’t have made it through without her. I picked up buff corn right away and paired with other general attack boosts and she was running through anything that wasn’t a mystic or buff punishing. Glancing triggers automatically when you need it and she barely takes any damage, and she triggers so many buffs that you’re bound to regen a ton too. With the crit hacks shed crit every sp2 and that would be enough to instantly rip apart most opponents in higher sectors. Pair her with the Odin pre-fights and you’ve got a monster for most of incursions. Even if you get hit, you’re probably going to survive. Incredible damage + sustainability + her increased shrugging can come in handy in some situations.
I have to agree with a lot of other people that they missed the mark with incursions. There are some node combos with certain defenders that are just straight up bs and not fun at all. You can get combos like Permanent heal block + Aspect of nightmares, Vivified and Power gain + regen (so fun having to bait a special every 2 seconds and you can’t power drain), and I came across a FAM with power gain, increased combat power rate, power sting, that node where they can stun you while using a heavy, and lifecycle to top it all off. I’d like to thank Sersi for saving my butt here
Item usage:
3 health potions on domino in the last zone. There was a Rintrah with aspect of nightmares and she was down to low health
TLDR; Sersi very good. Use Sersi. @Pikolu can confirm
The important hacks that made this possible:
Buff Corn
Draining degen
Increased stun
+ crit rating
+ crit damage
Martial artist
Passive Unstoppable after a special attack
Special refund
Firstly, let me do some domino glazing here. With martial artist + crit hacks, she’s demolishing everything in high sectors and she perfect blocks a lot so she’s incredibly sustainable. I’d say that I’m definitely glad that I brought her over Kate and she saved me in the last zone
Kushala was invaluable too. With similar dot boosting hacks and special refund, she was nuking through a ton (especially biohazard and freezer burn) and she regens so much in block. If you get regen boosting hacks she’ll be topped up for the higher sectors too. Couldn’t recommend her enough for this
The MVP of this run was the queen Sersi. I can’t stress enough how godly she was for this entire run, and I definitely couldn’t have made it through without her. I picked up buff corn right away and paired with other general attack boosts and she was running through anything that wasn’t a mystic or buff punishing. Glancing triggers automatically when you need it and she barely takes any damage, and she triggers so many buffs that you’re bound to regen a ton too. With the crit hacks shed crit every sp2 and that would be enough to instantly rip apart most opponents in higher sectors. Pair her with the Odin pre-fights and you’ve got a monster for most of incursions. Even if you get hit, you’re probably going to survive. Incredible damage + sustainability + her increased shrugging can come in handy in some situations.
I have to agree with a lot of other people that they missed the mark with incursions. There are some node combos with certain defenders that are just straight up bs and not fun at all. You can get combos like Permanent heal block + Aspect of nightmares, Vivified and Power gain + regen (so fun having to bait a special every 2 seconds and you can’t power drain), and I came across a FAM with power gain, increased combat power rate, power sting, that node where they can stun you while using a heavy, and lifecycle to top it all off. I’d like to thank Sersi for saving my butt here
Item usage:
3 health potions on domino in the last zone. There was a Rintrah with aspect of nightmares and she was down to low health
TLDR; Sersi very good. Use Sersi. @Pikolu can confirm
Tide of Combat hack makes for a very fun time with Dust. I was having fun with a team of Silk and Dust using that hack in a lower sector.
You have a chance to get regen buffs which saves a ton of portions