Do You Prefer Class Based BG Metas? Or Miss the Old Style of Metas.



  • SirGamesBondSirGamesBond Member Posts: 6,207 ★★★★★
    Now you mention it too. If you don't ban the nuke attackers, we have to face counter specefic insane defenders.
    Exactly what my group agreed upon, even before sagas. That we are doing same matches again and again on repetition.

    Titania, silk, photon, kate, etcetc were broken attackers during decay. But we didn't had op defenders at that time. It was almost as nuky as any other.
    And tbh saga boost (10%) is nothing compared to the 30% stacking prowess. Only diffence this has over decay, in your words, is insane defenders. New Defenders literally escalated the effects of attacker tactic meta.

    And sadly, the situation is going to remain like this for foreseeable future, despite of any attacker tactic.
    Officials have been chanting, 'what player wants is not always good for the game'. More annoying defenders are coming. Get prepared for tackling same defenders with same champs.
  • Jack2634Jack2634 Member Posts: 1,017 ★★★

    Imagine a meta with Safeguard on the defenders...DoT champions and multiplie-immunities would rule

    we got rage 1% one once. It was damn fun ngl, i even use and saw 5 star magik in everybody's deck. Joe fixit was absolutely cracked
  • Jack2634Jack2634 Member Posts: 1,017 ★★★
    edited May 2024
    season 4's armor burn was my most fav one. Not just because it was the first time i reached GC, but it was a lot of memories, like making thor my first sig 200 champion at the time, as well as using tons of different types of champs. Banning galan and hulkling and the game was pretty much even. Plus, at the beginning of 2023, we didn't have to deal with all types of broken champs like we do at the moment
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