Do You Prefer Class Based BG Metas? Or Miss the Old Style of Metas.

So for the past few seasons of battlegrounds we’ve had class based metas with attacker buffs, where a specific class gets some type of boost (usually in damage) to increase their effectiveness throughout the meta. Before this, we had just a set of nodes with no class based benefits or attacker buff at all. Obviously any set of nodes will benefit certain champs just by the nature of the nodes, but there was no additional factor encouraging you to use a certain class of champs.
So as the title suggests, which do you prefer? Have class based bonuses made bgs more or less enjoyable? Has it improved or worsened the balance of metas? Or does it not matter to you either way? Interested to hear what the community’s opinion is about this.
So as the title suggests, which do you prefer? Have class based bonuses made bgs more or less enjoyable? Has it improved or worsened the balance of metas? Or does it not matter to you either way? Interested to hear what the community’s opinion is about this.
Do You Prefer Class Based BG Metas? Or Miss the Old Style of Metas. 131 votes
I got to use champs I never would have used like Thor or Vulture, best meta by far imo.
Class based for a season or 2, then non class based for a season or 2.
You like some, you don't like some.
And thats how they should be.
All metas incentives us to rankups some long lost champs which becomes useful.
Good for all around progression.
Take for example the
Imo it was one of the most fun metas to ever exist for me. Sneaky immunities, Alternate strategies, champion interactions, Nodes like that are very fun to play around compared to the generic class based ones that are just boring.
Here are some ideas for metas that could be fun
- Power shield + Life Transfer
- Dash vulnerability + Foresight
- Poison Vulnerability+ Toxican't? Toxican!
- Invade + Critical interruption
- Do you bleed? + Invade ( seems random but do you bleed allows block damage so bleed immunity or inability to apply bleed shouldn't be a limiting factor)
5* onslaught cooked on D when he was released. Heck I saw people die to 5* photon when she was released.
There was a ghost meta, every single fight was 19 seconds.
Last meta it was symbiote supreme with 20 second fights outside mutants. I don't like mutant metas, as I don't have couple obvious ones as 7*. My three bans have been, domino, sunspot and 6* Wx for week 1 and 2. But it matter not "FOR ME", my rankups are all based towards week 3 and 4 GC.
"so it is just the same matchups over and over again which is boring"
This exact thing I brought up with my mates 2 seasons ago.
Every single defender was onslaught, bulls eye, photon, maestro including the the couple obvious ones.
There was no fun with same repeated fights.
Now we have serpent added to this list of defenders.
People will draft him no matter what.
Metas keep changing and the difficulty is same for everyone in a given season. But people are not going to draft old defenders.
The meta shift is not because of the nodes, its the result of new defenders.
Get ready to deal with it for 6 more seasons.
Cuz the saga thingy is already decided.
In 4 days, week 3-4 GC you won't have to focus on mutants only and you can use any champ. That's half a season without forcing a class.
One thing I can agree upon is bringing AW tactic in BGs is lazy design.
But then again it comes once every three season. It rewards players upgrading tactic champs for AW.
You can either like or dislike a meta, and that's upto you. Preferences are personal, so some will enjoy it and some won't.
At this point buddy you are kinda finding any reason to complain. Which is fair, If you don't like it, you don't like it, simple. But it doesn't imply that everyone else "hates" it.
It looks more like you have problem with mutants, I do too. My mutants suk. But what are we gonna do.
Despite the meta, people still are using the champs they want to. Not everyone owns every top mutant upgraded. And people are doing fine.
I won matches without a single mutant draft plenty of the times and I'm damn sure you did too.
In the end I simply stated my thoughts and you came to argue with me, I'm not "finding any reason to complain." I'm just gonna leave this at agree to disagree
With no disrespect, it did look like you were complaining about mutants being too strong.
I couldn't agree because it's not just a mutant specefic case.
Same thing happened during science meta about 6 months ago, It was way too op, I hated it.
And then there was a skill meta round the same time, and I preferred it.
And without arguing I respectfully disagree for having a tunnel vision blaming metas alone.
You play at the top so you are aware enough to know every meta favours some champ more than others. And in this instance its mutants, which will change to a different meta in couple days.
I also belive kabam decides their metas so that the newer champs looks more lucrative to acquire.
And I can't blame a company to capitalise on it.
Let's hope for everyones sake next meta is not a mutant meta because of Northstar.
I don't even hate the new metas that much as I get along just fine, I just still prefer the old ones🤷♂️