Best Saga Incursions Team?

I r5ed my thing but I've been thinking of also r5ing and even ascending my 6 star corvus as I feel there are top many caveats for the stunlock and even bullseye strategies. Nodes that shrug or punish debuffs, bleed immunities etc. Also bullseye can't deal with aspect of nightmare, freezer burn, biohazard etc. Lastly I've heard past zone 20 the block damage is just so bad that most of the champs everyone's hyping die from just a few blocked hits, which is where I feel corvus and Thing can shine.
If you did use Corvus and Thing, what were your hacks? Did you always go for "keep it going" to pair with strategic movement or did you prioritize other hacks like draining degen on heavy or perpetual offense. I know Buff cornucopia is also a must
If you did use Corvus and Thing, what were your hacks? Did you always go for "keep it going" to pair with strategic movement or did you prioritize other hacks like draining degen on heavy or perpetual offense. I know Buff cornucopia is also a must
Best Saga Incursions Team? 43 votes
Corvus also can put in work, especially with boosts.
He can handle most defenders and stun lock them. And for other two slots, use kingpin on lower tiers and swap in champ as needed.
What my strategy ended up being was mainly using Corvus for most fights once he was fully ramped. I also had Toxic Advance, Defensive Cascade, +50% Unstoppable/Unblockable attack and combat power rate, +50% stun duration, Tides of Combat, as well as a few other minor hacks. But overall that was the gist of it; keep dashing back with Corvus and then landing massive crit hits and stun locking them to land massive sp2s.
I ended up spending close to 1000 units to finish rooms 22-25, but for what I got, it was well worth it.
Also, you didn't go for strategic movement?
I only encountered one eyed open in zone 7. Every incursion cheese team have their downside, you just have to pray you get the nice nodes. The one I had the most trouble is zone 23 man thing with freezer burn.
In the end got 25 done with a simple domino stun lock approach with defensive cascade and the armour up buffs. And some boost ability accuracy basic hacks. Simple but effective.
Perptetual Offense would probably help Serpent a lot , as it would boost his red damage as well
Man thing
Well that was my team.
Use odin prefights on your preferred 2 champs.
For serpent, defensive cascade gives most of his damage. Draining degen is really helpful as well as he knocks down a lot and deals more damage + keeps opponent power in check.
I once had a stun immune infamous ironman in node 23, with spite. If I hadn't had draining degen then there is no way I was able to do the fight.