Aw auto place

PomboRyanPomboRyan Member Posts: 11
What does the alliance defence auto placement do? I realized 2 settings in my alliance war that I don’t know what is best with. It’s the second one that is confusing me. Auto placement for defence. I debated trying it but when I did the whole Alliance defence in both BG’s got wiped clean and I’m not sure what it does or what it does… I’m asking members to place again but now I’m confused. Can someone explain this whole setting and if it benefits or not?


  • PomboRyanPomboRyan Member Posts: 11
    Also what does 1 map up 1 map down mean?
  • BendyBendy Member Posts: 5,939 ★★★★★
    PomboRyan said:

    Also what does 1 map up 1 map down mean?

    From tiers u go up and down sometimes ur map changes so u have to place more than once
  • PomboRyanPomboRyan Member Posts: 11
    So is it better if I have auto placement so I do t have to keep placing?
  • obsidimanobsidiman Member Posts: 936 ★★★
    @PomboRyan I'm assuming while reading your question that by auto placement you mean the persistent placement.

    When you and your alliance mates go to place defenders there are 3 map levels. You should have you alliance members place in all three of then. Based on how your alliance does in AW you may move up or down tiers as @Bendy mentioned above. If you have everyone place on all 3 map levels initially, if and when your alliance moves up or down tiers, the defender placement will be ready (or persist as it were) and your members won't have to replace all defenders.

    Chances are you encountered blank defensive maps because your members didn't place on all 3 levels initially and your alliance moved up or down a tier thus showing a blank map.

    Once you have all you defenders set on all three map levels you do want to periodically check during the AW season to make sure placement still persists. If your alliance moves up or down 2 or more tiers, you may encounter a blank defensive map.
  • obsidimanobsidiman Member Posts: 936 ★★★

    The 3 buttons in the lower right corner is where you and your alliance mates can change from map level to map level.
  • MimboMimbo Member Posts: 14
    edited May 29
    Out of curiosity, I clicked this. I figure “eh, let me see what happens. Worst case scenario, I can have people place again and manually adjust.”

    What could possibly go wrong, right?

    I can tell you this: it wipes the placements for the tier of map you are currently aligned with. While enabled, we couldn’t even adjust to a lower map. We disabled the setting and the defense on the upper tier was still gone. No big deal. Tag the alliance and ask people to place. Except half the members are getting this error:
    So that’s just lovely.
  • MimboMimbo Member Posts: 14
    If you have this issue you can “fix” it by selecting a new team to place and effectively leaving the bg. That resets things and gets rid of the error. Some weird caching bug or something
  • SummonerNRSummonerNR Member, Guardian Posts: 12,350 Guardian
    **RE: New Screen Layout

    Must have just gone live now that Season has ended. I know Kabam had mentioned that new Leadership tools would be coming soon (so, starting with off-season now).

  • SummonerNRSummonerNR Member, Guardian Posts: 12,350 Guardian
    *** AUTO-ENLIST BATTLEGROUPS (existing setting, no change)
    With the original “Persistent Placement” + “Persistent Enlistment”, so alliance didn’t have to Enroll manually before each war.

    *** DEFENSE PLACEMENT (*new setting*)
    MANUAL = Existing Method (same as has been in place since Persistent stuff).
    Everyone has to set their own Defenders in all of the available maps, “Current Tier” plus the Up(+) and Down(-) Tier Maps (or get yelled at by Leadership if they forget the +/- ones and the Alliance moves Up/Down a Tier and the map has some empty defenders then).

    vs AUTO = New Method.
    Sounds like people will only have to set their Defenders in CURRENT Tier Map, and if Alliance moves Up/Down then the system should automatically use that Current Map Defender Setup toward the new Tier Map you start to play on.

    (Note, I haven’t tested AUTO, to see whether all 3 Tier Maps are still available to manipulate, or if it “Forces” a single setup onto whatever Tier Map you end up playing on. So, potentially, without time to change nodes around if say you are matched with a Cross-Tier war that you didn't know in advance you might be out on) ??

    *** AUTO-CLEAR DEFENDERS (*new*)
    Useful for Alliances only running 1 or 2 BG in War. Will automatically clear the defense after every war, and force people to re-join again for next war.
    (Note, this would basically be what had been in place for years, prior to Persistent Placement coming into play).
    But since there is no longer that 1-day “Defense Placement” day prior to a 1-day Attack.
    I’m going to assume that as soon as the current War starts, then the Defense Map is cleared for the NEXT WAR. And that people have the entire duration of CURRENT War in which to Join and Place Defense for that NEXT War.

    And Auto-Clear is “Per BG”. So say in case your Alliance has a permanent assignments for BG1, so you want to maintain Persistent Placement just for BG1. And then allow anyone else to join BG2 either on their own choice or due to Leadership rotating assigned people around for that BG2 each war.
    Just BG2 defense would be cleared out each War in that example.
  • SummonerNRSummonerNR Member, Guardian Posts: 12,350 Guardian
    *** Additionally

    Go into Defense Map's (10 x 5) Defender Roster.

    There is a “Trash Can” (Clear Defense) at the top of the BG Defense Roster (next to BG #).
    To manually Clear the whole BG defense (I assume).

    As well as individually by member, click on a Member's Icon in that Roster List, and you can select CLEAR DEFENSE (in the pop-up) of just that person's defense.

    So if you're just rotating a few people around in a BG each war (alliances doing 1 or 2 BG wars), you DON'T need to use the new “Auto Clear” setting listed earlier (which would clear “everyone”)

    Or if you want to swap a couple people between BG's (even in a 3 BG war), you can manually remove just their defenders (might have to also do in all +/- Tier Maps), and then they can join into their new BG assignment. (instead of having them both do their own removal before either one can then join into the other BG).

    *Note, this is individually available in each of the +/- Tier Maps, as well as by BG, and Member.
  • zuffyzuffy Member Posts: 2,231 ★★★★★
    My only concern with the auto defense placement is the ban option. There is no option to select the ban champs per map. In challenger map, we have only 1 champ in the whitelist and blacklist but in expert/elite maps, there are 2 champs in the whitelist and blacklist. So potentially, I can ban a champ in challenger map but its whitelist in expert map. That is a disadvantage as we are giving up a ban champ slot.
  • PomboRyanPomboRyan Member Posts: 11
    Okay thank you. I’m going to take it as it’s good to use auto placement since my alliance has only 23 people currently but we are running 3 bgs since I am expecting more people to join soon. I just hope I can move them all around before the war starts. And I hope they are in the assigned BG since I have been moving people around
  • SummonerNRSummonerNR Member, Guardian Posts: 12,350 Guardian
    ** Official Announcement

    (Quote from Announcement above)
    Added in Placement Options…

    * Manual Placement allows Summoners to place their Defense individually per map (what Summoners are currently experiencing)

    * Automatic (AUTO) Placement will templatize their placement.
    For example, if a Summoner places on Challenger, each Defender Placement will be the same if they are to shift down to either Hard Map, or go up to Expert. If a Summoner goes down to Normal, or Easy Maps, the Defenders will be placed according to the node number.

    Still fuzzy from above (maybe someone who has tried this can relay that info here..

    If changed to AUTO, does that mean you *ONLY* have 1 Tier Map (your Current one) in which to set your Defenders. And that particular setup will get used automatically if your Alliance goes up/down in future wars. (ie, can no longer specify separate Up/Down Tier Maps anymore, if changed to AUTO) ??

    On AUTO, do you still have all 3 of the potential Tier Maps to go into, look at, and change defenders in ?
    And if so, how would that work.
    Don’t think you would have access to all 3 anymore, so is it just the last one you put your defenders in is that the one that gets assigned to “current”. Which is why I would guess you only have 1 single Map now in which to place (the Up/Down options probably get removed if your change to AUTO) ??
  • zuffyzuffy Member Posts: 2,231 ★★★★★
    edited May 30

    ** Official Announcement

    (Quote from Announcement above)
    Added in Placement Options…

    * Manual Placement allows Summoners to place their Defense individually per map (what Summoners are currently experiencing)

    * Automatic (AUTO) Placement will templatize their placement.
    For example, if a Summoner places on Challenger, each Defender Placement will be the same if they are to shift down to either Hard Map, or go up to Expert. If a Summoner goes down to Normal, or Easy Maps, the Defenders will be placed according to the node number.

    Still fuzzy from above (maybe someone who has tried this can relay that info here..

    If changed to AUTO, does that mean you *ONLY* have 1 Tier Map (your Current one) in which to set your Defenders. And that particular setup will get used automatically if your Alliance goes up/down in future wars. (ie, can no longer specify separate Up/Down Tier Maps anymore, if changed to AUTO) ??

    On AUTO, do you still have all 3 of the potential Tier Maps to go into, look at, and change defenders in ?
    And if so, how would that work.
    Don’t think you would have access to all 3 anymore, so is it just the last one you put your defenders in is that the one that gets assigned to “current”. Which is why I would guess you only have 1 single Map now in which to place (the Up/Down options probably get removed if your change to AUTO) ??

    In Auto, you only have your current map. You do not see the lower or upper map. This is why it’s concerning regarding the ban list. As I stated previously, challenger blacklist and whitelist only 1 champ but expert map blacklist and whitelist 2 champs. I can ban a champ in challenger map yet being whitelisted in expert map. That is a wasted ban slot and I would be at a disadvantage.

    Can a mod please chime in on this?
  • SummonerNRSummonerNR Member, Guardian Posts: 12,350 Guardian
    zuffy said:

    In Auto, you only have your current map. You do not see the lower or upper map. This is why it’s concerning regarding the ban list. As I stated previously, challenger blacklist and whitelist only 1 champ but expert map blacklist and whitelist 2 champs. I can ban a champ in challenger map yet being whitelisted in expert map. That is a wasted ban slot and I would be at a disadvantage.

    Can a mod please chime in on this?


    And a follow up (sort of asked before, but to clarify).

    Existing setup, you may have different defenders, or even if same defenders they might currently be on different nodes.

    So, what happens if change to AUTO, so only 1 single “Current” Map (and Save),
    and then change *BACK TO MANUAL* ??

    Does the formerly *different* defense in an Up/Down Map now become in Sync with your Current Map once you reverted back to the Manual setting ?
    Or did it somehow remember the different map placements, and revert back to that ??

    ie, some Officer might switch it to AUTO, to see what it does.
    But then they set it back.
    And now (all of a sudden) you no longer have your different Map setup's ??

  • zuffyzuffy Member Posts: 2,231 ★★★★★

    zuffy said:

    In Auto, you only have your current map. You do not see the lower or upper map. This is why it’s concerning regarding the ban list. As I stated previously, challenger blacklist and whitelist only 1 champ but expert map blacklist and whitelist 2 champs. I can ban a champ in challenger map yet being whitelisted in expert map. That is a wasted ban slot and I would be at a disadvantage.

    Can a mod please chime in on this?


    And a follow up (sort of asked before, but to clarify).

    Existing setup, you may have different defenders, or even if same defenders they might currently be on different nodes.

    So, what happens if change to AUTO, so only 1 single “Current” Map (and Save),
    and then change *BACK TO MANUAL* ??

    Does the formerly *different* defense in an Up/Down Map now become in Sync with your Current Map once you reverted back to the Manual setting ?
    Or did it somehow remember the different map placements, and revert back to that ??

    ie, some Officer might switch it to AUTO, to see what it does.
    But then they set it back.
    And now (all of a sudden) you no longer have your different Map setup's ??

    Just tried it. Reverted from auto to manual. The lower and upper maps are still empty.
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