Deathless KG signature scaling

Has anyone used their sig stones on him yet? I’d be curious to see how it scales. I’m definitely using my magica sig stones on him and might use the generics I have as well, since he is the first 7 star I got so far worth those precious stones.
Another perspective is to look at his full ability page:
My newly-Sig 20 DKG has +50% Incinerate duration, and regenerates 4.7% of his health during Cooldown
At Sig 200, he should have +100% Incinerate duration, and regenerate 10% of his health during Cooldown
A 6* 5/65 version of Deathless King Groot has 68140 health, and at max Sig he recovers 6813.9 health. That's almost exactly 10%.
Classic King Groot heals quite a lot more than DKG does. Classic KG heals nearly 19% health at Sig 200.
His damage is pretty solid, especially if you stack a few ignition buffs prior to landing an SP2.
He's got a decent amount of utility for Questing, War and Incursions: shrug-off, Bleed immunity, Immunity to Power Burn & Drain; and access to permanent armour breaks which can completely shut down multiple Tech opponents (Ghost, Ironheart, iDoom), Emma Frost's diamond form, and Killmonger's reverberation.
He's not really a general BGs champ; but can almost certainly wreck any Tech Heroes he meets.
If you like him, go for it.