Why can't we sell T4CC?

I know these things are super super super rare and valuable at a certain stage of the game... in fact I just came out of that stage I was there for about 8 months... and maybe it was a security feature to protect people from getting rid of these extremely valuable items..
...but.. once you're out of that stage, when you're in an alliance doing Map 5 5x a week and have been there for at least a few months... then you start to get too much T4CC and usually by then you are also really really craving T4B and T1A (and later T5B and T2A)
So.... why not make it possible to sell these things?
Maybe you could convert them into T4B or T1A catalysts plus a large amount of gold? Or T5B or T2A fragments perhaps? It makes no sense for end game players to be stockpiling hundred of Map 5 crystals out of fear of getting a resource that they can't possibly use or even sell. Currently the Glory store values T4CC at about 10x the worth of one T4B... and the recently closed valor store valued T4CC as approximately 40% more valuable. Would make some sense to be able to exchange the more "valuable" item for one that is supposed to be worth less but at the same time is worth a lot more at a certain stage. Maybe like... sell one T4cc... get... 1 T4b, 1 T1a, and 50,000 gold?
If you don't like the idea of class catalysts being converted into basic or alpha catalysts because they're not of the same type then how about just a bit amount of gold? 500k gold? 100k? 50k? anything would be nice to at least have the option.
...but.. once you're out of that stage, when you're in an alliance doing Map 5 5x a week and have been there for at least a few months... then you start to get too much T4CC and usually by then you are also really really craving T4B and T1A (and later T5B and T2A)
So.... why not make it possible to sell these things?
Maybe you could convert them into T4B or T1A catalysts plus a large amount of gold? Or T5B or T2A fragments perhaps? It makes no sense for end game players to be stockpiling hundred of Map 5 crystals out of fear of getting a resource that they can't possibly use or even sell. Currently the Glory store values T4CC at about 10x the worth of one T4B... and the recently closed valor store valued T4CC as approximately 40% more valuable. Would make some sense to be able to exchange the more "valuable" item for one that is supposed to be worth less but at the same time is worth a lot more at a certain stage. Maybe like... sell one T4cc... get... 1 T4b, 1 T1a, and 50,000 gold?
If you don't like the idea of class catalysts being converted into basic or alpha catalysts because they're not of the same type then how about just a bit amount of gold? 500k gold? 100k? 50k? anything would be nice to at least have the option.
Let's say you have 8 T4 skill catalysts in your inventory that it's impossible for you to use and another 6 in your vault that are about to expire.
Would that be a logical reason to sell them? Is it more logical just to let them expire and get nothing?
That's not really what it's about. It's just stupid that many end game players have stashes of hundreds of unopened crystals mostly because they are afraid of what you just said. And who said it has to be a pathetic amount? Who said it has to make or break you? These are suggestions to improve the game that's all. It would be an improvement.
Who cares if they expire?
The best solution for players in this category if they're not willing to sell them for 6 star or 5/65 materials is a minor conversion to 5 star shards so these players have more chances at pulling champs worthy of wasting them on. It's probably better to just let them expire but I personally just can't let them go for nothing (since a lot of work went into acquiring them) so ranking up trash like unduped hulk and SL just for the potential that one day they'll be useful but by then 5/65s will be the norm and it'll likely end up a waste anyways. It's been mentioned many times the devs' grip on resource management following progression is horrid. This is just another example. We're celebrating the 3rd anniversary and noob mats from the first year are often harder to get than the highest end resources in the game (you will likely get less than ONE T3cc for spending all ur energy in that PG and have to wait another week to get ONE T3cc, a common resource from years ago). This hasn't been modified since the day the game was created I believe, just horrible planning and matching for progression. 99.9% of the resources here seem to be spent only on things that generate money - constantly pumping out broken flashy new champs while dozens of critical bugs are everywhere and no one is looking at the big picture. Flashy new even broken champs = more money.
I'd rather use the Skill Cats on anything than let them expire TBH. I don't see how that relates to T4B. The primary reason people want to sell them is for T5B Shards.
Well since you still don’t understand that t4b and t1a are more valuable to some, yes you would use skill cats on anything.
I would rather save the t4b and t1a for a champ actually worth ranking and lose the t4c.
Why? Because losing 1 or 2 t4c is less important to me than losing 5 t4b and 6 t1a.
Edit: Guess i didnt really address your statement. T4c relates to t4b because you need t4b to rank champs also.