Taking a moment

First of all. If you watched the stream Jax was very emotional. This is a hard hit for the team and as a community we should all be pushing positive vibes only. Basically. Be nice. Or go away. And nobody is perfect. We all get frustrated. But GREAT job Jax on stream. And GREAT job to the team as a whole. Change isn't easy. And loss of any capacity is a challenge. But the stream was honest/encouraging/and actually moved pretty smooth and direct. I think it was one of my favorites. I'm more excited to play the game and see the changes being made because they look VERY pro player. Let's get at this!! Also arcade looks like a direct answer to turtling and im beyond excited for him. (It's always the sleepers who rock us)
Huge props to the team for taking the feedback to heart and lots of love to Jax
Genuinely, thank you.
AW showcase has buffed rewards and they want to make it easier
Battlegrounds medal changes
SQ will have better rewards and be more accessible. There’s more room to miss stuff this saga and still get CMM as a 7* + I’m sure you caught the BRB announcement.
I think you would’ve heard all of this though. The first half of the stream was a goodbye to Miike and going over the deepdives so you didn’t miss game info, just the emotions 😭