General discussion

Why am I as an level 50 uncollected paired up to fight with Paragon level opponents in battlegrounds and incursions on round one? I'm currently locked to only receive rewards from incursions 6 which I'm not even qualified to be in. I do have one six four champ because of the event but I don't feel that properly reflects where I'm at in the game. After all you can purchase a massive roster but you can't purchase a paragon position but are placed in one my rank 6/4 Sersei is16k lol she's barely over a 565
As for incursions, it's based on whoever is looking for a match in the same sector. I can help you, but you have to match when I'm on [9pm-midnight Pacific standard time].
Yes, the ease in getting higher champs nowadays can push someone into higher “Eligible Top Tiers” that what they can really handle.
Was another post earlier this morning, said they had xx amount of 6* champs (forget how many, but enoug to put them in higher eligible brackets), but because they were still fairly new in game they have no resources to actually take those 6* up higher than base Rank 1.
So they have all these 6* “FREE Basically” champs they’ve earned, at such an early state in their game. But it is a drawback, they can not get Top Ranks in Incursions that actually matches their lower (overall) roster.
(not actually matched based on Progression Title itself, but by the actual roster)
Maybe too many lower players already moved beyond Bronze, and not any lower accounts still trying to play at the time you are trying. So game may just “give up” and match you against “someone/anyone” who is still in Bronze and trying to find a match.
Keep trying, there should still be good matchups for you (up until you reach Diamond)