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Wrong currency units when I use iPhone

Toproller89Toproller89 Posts: 637 ★★★

The currency in the unit store is something different to the AUD that it’s meant to be but only when I use iPhone.

Can anyone help me change this to the proper currency please?


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    DNA3000DNA3000 Posts: 19,010 Guardian
    The most likely reason this is happening that I can think of is that iPhone is logged into a different iTunes account that is registered with Apple has being in Brazil. Try logging out of iTunes on that phone and logging into your iTunes account (or back in, if it looked like it already was).
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    BringPopcornBringPopcorn Posts: 3,529 ★★★★★
    This is as weird as it gets..
    Specially about the ongoing joke about playing in Venezuela...
    Nah; but seriously gotta be some config on that phone... Region setting or something to the account linked to the device.
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    SummonerNRSummonerNR Posts: 11,329 Guardian
    If that is in the Preview of the offer.
    What currency does it show if you click on it to go to the purchase screens (don’t have to actually finish the purchase), but some other person earlier said that it then changed to their correct currency if they looked at that next step before purchase.
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    Toproller89Toproller89 Posts: 637 ★★★
    DNA3000 said:

    The most likely reason this is happening that I can think of is that iPhone is logged into a different iTunes account that is registered with Apple has being in Brazil. Try logging out of iTunes on that phone and logging into your iTunes account (or back in, if it looked like it already was).

    Even weirder than that, the account details in my iTunes/Apple Pay account were the name of some other person who lives in Brazil.

    Only thing I can think of is that my account details were compromised at some point between when I last used an iPhone which was 5+ years ago and now, because someone would have to have logged in as me to change such details.

    Just solved it this morning.

    Thanks for your help everyone.
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