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Did we spend all the luck? - Magnetron Crystals

VolxRenVolxRen Posts: 67
Hey everyone. Here is a lesson story for those who thinks that Magnetron Crystals have a great luck.

75 pulls: No 7*, Five 6* and rest was dominated by 4*.

Hurts even more when friend did only single 10 pull and got 7* Gladiator, 7* Cap. Marvel, 6* Silk and 6* Cap. Marvel.

Result: Always think if you are overhyped about event or it is better to stay calm ;)


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    QuikPikQuikPik Posts: 810 ★★★★
    You can buy them in the marketplace store.
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    VolxRenVolxRen Posts: 67

    For every post that shows great RNG luck, there are hundreds who got the shaft. I'm usually in the I got shafted category but I am happy for those that got the RNG gods on their sides.

    So relatable :smiley: My first 5* (Superior Iron Man) and later my first 6* (Groot) made me to give up on a game for quite some time. Could not progress. Wanted to try my luck with 7*. Recently did a great push and got from Uncollected to Thronebreaker. So had my hopes. My friend who got just recently Uncollected pulled those 7*, so I said "Let's give it a shot". The rest you know :wink:
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    JaJaLion6464JaJaLion6464 Posts: 5
    all i got was 4* and 5* like every other crystal i open
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    TerminatrixTerminatrix Posts: 1,979 ★★★★★

    For every post that shows great RNG luck, there are hundreds who got the shaft. I'm usually in the I got shafted category but I am happy for those that got the RNG gods on their sides.

    Couldn't agree more lol
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    TerminatrixTerminatrix Posts: 1,979 ★★★★★
    jdschw said:

    This is why casinos put tons of slot machines together in the same place. The sound of one jackpot gets everybody excited, and makes them overestimate the odds of winning

    A strategy that's diabolically clever
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    TerminatrixTerminatrix Posts: 1,979 ★★★★★
    VolxRen said:

    Hey everyone. Here is a lesson story for those who thinks that Magnetron Crystals have a great luck.

    75 pulls: No 7*, Five 6* and rest was dominated by 4*.

    Hurts even more when friend did only single 10 pull and got 7* Gladiator, 7* Cap. Marvel, 6* Silk and 6* Cap. Marvel.

    Result: Always think if you are overhyped about event or it is better to stay calm ;)

    CMM is my favorite champ. I love the efforts you're making to get her 👊🏽😍
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    VolxRenVolxRen Posts: 67
    Thanks! I just wish that effort was rewarded along the way 🤣
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    TerminatrixTerminatrix Posts: 1,979 ★★★★★
    VolxRen said:

    Thanks! I just wish that effort was rewarded along the way 🤣

    😂😂😂😂 maybe with the next "grand opening"
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    captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Posts: 5,863 ★★★★★
    Maybe the real luck was the friends we made along the way
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    VolxRenVolxRen Posts: 67
    🤣🤣🤣 It was once in a life event. I belived my friend's and everyone's luck was to much not to believe for a moment. However, as any roll of luck, you should remember your odds.

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    VolxRenVolxRen Posts: 67

    Maybe the real luck was the friends we made along the way

    Totally 😅😅
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    Vegeta9001Vegeta9001 Posts: 1,540 ★★★★★
    I haven't had a 6* let alone a 7* from all the free ones so far, or acquirable without money ones I guess I should say
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    OrtounOrtoun Posts: 631 ★★★
    I got some more sigs on my 7 star Emma with them, so not great, but better then I was expecting. My real luck was the new paragon crystals in the platinum track, 4 crystals, 2 7 stars, new Kindred and Hawkeye dupe.
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    Darklord60Darklord60 Posts: 33
    It has over 3 month's to run,,,I'm saying stay calm and play the game everthing come's in time,,,take a breath
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    VolxRenVolxRen Posts: 67

    It has over 3 month's to run,,,I'm saying stay calm and play the game everthing come's in time,,,take a breath

    Agree with you. One day all will come around 😊
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    EgyptOverseerEgyptOverseer Posts: 308
    Thank you to Kabam. Just popped my first 10 crystals. I am the guy that beat the record of over 1000 GHCs without a single 4 star. This is retribution!
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    VolxRenVolxRen Posts: 67
    Congrats man! Read my original message. My Uncollected friend smacked the luck with two 7* and two 6* with his first and only, free to play, 10 pull.
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    Ayden_noah1Ayden_noah1 Posts: 1,456 ★★★★

    Thank you to Kabam. Just popped my first 10 crystals. I am the guy that beat the record of over 1000 GHCs without a single 4 star. This is retribution!

    I SPOT where are my luck went. Congrats on the 7 star CCM.
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    VolxRenVolxRen Posts: 67

    Thank you to Kabam. Just popped my first 10 crystals. I am the guy that beat the record of over 1000 GHCs without a single 4 star. This is retribution!

    I SPOT where are my luck went. Congrats on the 7 star CCM.
    Hey! Congrats! Did you had 12 pulls overall?
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